Technology Landscape and Enterprise Objectives B.Ramamurthy 12/26/2018 Ch.1,2
Introduction We will study the various different system that we will encounter in a typical enterprise system – Ch.1 We will also study the general enterprise integration objectives – Ch.2 12/26/2018 Ch.1,2
Types of Systems (1) Legacy systems: Data warehouse: Many local solutions to enterprise problems. Many models, platforms, languages, and proprietary software packages. Fragmented systems spread around the enterprise. Example: PC-based payroll system for a local branch of a large banking system. Data warehouse: Collection of business data to provide analytical processing, supporting queries and reporting. Example: Trend in sales with reference to month to enable planning. Electronic commerce: Internet and WWW have enabled business to reach their customers directly (B2C) and exchange data and deal with business partners efficiently (B2B). 12/26/2018 Ch.1,2
Types of Systems (2) Web-enabled applications: Web enabling improves accessibility through the use of browsers. Workflow Management systems: Business process management systems. Move from batch to event-based systems Business transactions are processed as they occur. Transactions can be handled with different priorities, authorized based on different criteria, and serviced with different specialized skills. Provides the means to formalize processes, enforce compliance, monitor performance, and introduce process improvements. 12/26/2018 Ch.1,2
Technologies Study the technologies in terms of Web-tier, (business) logic tier, data tier Unified Modeling Language (UML) for design purposes. Provides 12 different models for various phases of software development. Model Driven Architecture (MDA): design tool. Provides the ability to model applications as Platform Independent Model (PIM). Java Server Pages (JSP) and servlets: web presentation/logic 12/26/2018 Ch.1,2
Technologies eXtensible Markup Language (XML): Markup language with customizable tag for exchange of information among applications. CORBA from Object Management Group(OMG): Enables robust, interoperable distributed objects and protocols. Component Technology: Evolution of object technology. Provides extensive ability to manage objects as components. Example: Enterprise Java beans and COM objects 12/26/2018 Ch.1,2
Technologies (contd.) Open data base connectivity(ODBC): standard protocol to access data bases. JDBC is a java implementation. Relational data base systems: RDBMs. Provides the persistence needed for application data. Relations represented by tables of records of data. Primary key uniquely selects a record. Can combine tables on attributes, select only rows and columns needed. Example: Oracle 9.2 12/26/2018 Ch.1,2
Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) EAI is the practice of linking many legacy systems, commercial-of the-shelf (COTS) systems and current systems to consolidate the operations in an enterprise. Simple solution is the store-forward of data between systems. Where data are exchanged between many sources and many destinations a message broker facility is used to direct the flow. See fig.1.2 12/26/2018 Ch.1,2
EAI (contd.) EAI provides for exchange of information as events occur rather than periodic transfer of files. It streamlines business processes. It provides the flexibility of routing of messages to meet new requirements for information, including operations monitoring and the initiation of corrective action on a timely basis. Example: Project 1’s TPS integrated with IncidentWeb. 12/26/2018 Ch.1,2
Enterprise System Pyramid Virtual Enterprise Corporate Domain: Books sales Business system domains: B2C Business Process: login to purchase Business applications: Shop front Application components: pricing, email 12/26/2018 Ch.1,2
Objectives Adaptable systems and processes Streamlined processes Management information Support for electronic commerce Integrated security Replaceable components Reliable and recoverable systems Scalability 12/26/2018 Ch.1,2
Summary We studied Types of enterprise systems, A representative set of technologies, Enterprise application integration, Structure of enterprise systems Objectives of enterprise system design. Your task: Casual reading of Chs. 1 and 2. 12/26/2018 Ch.1,2