Opening Question What is the major difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?
Cytology The study of cells.
What you need to know! The differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. The structure and function of organelles common to plant and animal cells. The structure and function of organelles found only in plant cells or only in animal cells. How chloroplasts and mitochondria evolved through endosymbiosis (Endosymbiotic Theory)
Anton van Leeuwenhoek 1670 – Dutch cloth merchant First scientist to observe living cells Father of microscopy
Anton van Leeuwenhoek Saw life in pond water First to observe Sperm Red blood cells Gunk from teeth
Leeuwenhoek's microscope consisted simply of: a screw for adjusting the height of the object being examined a metal plate serving as the body a skewer to impale the object and rotate it the lens itself, which was spherical
Robert Hooke 1665 – English Named cells after the small boxy rooms that monks live in
Robert Hooke He first saw and named "cells" while he was experimenting with a new instrument we now call a "microscope." For his experiment he cut very thin slices from cork. He looked at these slices under a microscope. He saw tiny box-like shapes.
Matthias Schleiden 1830 – German Botanist All plants are made of cells "One who wishes to be a botanist or zoologist without a microscope, is at least as great a fool as one who wants to observe the heavens without a telescope”
Theodor Schwann 1830 - German Worked with Schleiden Discovered all animals are made of cells
Rudolf Virchow CELL THEORY: All cells come from pre-existing cells Cell Division First Cell?
The Cell Theory 1. All organisms are composed of one or more cells 2. The cell is the basic unit of organisms 3. All cells come from preexisting cells
Cytology – the study of cells Three basic parts of a cell 1 cytoplasm 2 nucleus 3 cell membrane
Two Kinds of Cells: Prokaryotic Cells Small Simple No nucleus Bacteria
Eukaryotic cells - all other cells These include protists fungi plants animals Have a nucleus Cells contain structures called organelles.
Prokaryotic vs. Eukaryotic
Prokaryotes vs. Eukaryotes Prokaryotes Eukaryotes Bacteria Animal cells, plant cells, fungi, protists Single celled Mostly multi-cellular No membrane membrane bound bound organelles organelles Very small 100x bigger 4 byo 3 byo (Endosymbiotic Theory) Naked DNA (nucleoid) Chromatin
Endosymbiotic Theory M & C were prokaryotic organisms that were swallowed by another larger prokaryote 3-4 byo via phagocytosis Host cell failed to digest M & C and ultimately formed a: mutualistic symbiosis with their host.
Endosymbiotic Theory Arguments that support ET M & C have independent DNA M & C DNA is similar to prokaryotic DNA M & C multiply independently from the rest of the cell M & C have double membranes
Plasma membrane All cells are surrounded by a plasma membrane. It separates the contents of the cell from its environment and regulates the passage of molecules into and out of the cell.
Active cells An actively metabolizing cell needs a large surface area. Cells are limited in size because larger cells have a smaller surface to volume ratio.
Surface:volume Notice that the larger cube has more surface area and more volume but less surface area for each cubic centimeter of volume. For any given geometric object (cubes, spheres, etc.), smaller objects have a greater surface to volume ratio (surface:volume) than larger objects of the same shape.
Surface: Volume Compare the surface to volume ratio (surface: volume) of a cube that is 1 cm X 1 cm X 1 cm with that of a cube that is 10 cm X 10 cm X 10 cm.
Larger cube (10 cm X 10 cm X 10 cm) The surface area of one side = 10 cm X 10 cm = 100 square cm (or 100 cm2). There are 6 sides, so the total surface area = 600 X cm2 = 600 cm2. Volume = 10 cm X 10 cm X 10 cm = 1000 cubic cm (or 1000 cm3) Surface:Volume = 600 cm2/1000 cm3 = 0.6 cm2/cm3 (or 0.6 square cm of surface area for each cubic cm of volume).
Smaller cube (1 cm X 1 cm X 1 cm) The surface area of one side = 1 cm X 1 cm = 1 square cm (or 1 cm2). There are 6 sides, so the total surface area = 6 X cm2 = 6 cm2. Volume = 1 cm X 1 cm X 1 cm = 1 cubic cm (or 1 cm3) Surface:Volume = 6 cm2/1 cm3 = 6 cm2/cm3 (or 6 square cm of surface area for each cubic cm of volume)
Cell volume : surface area Every cell is surrounded by a plasma membrane. Most cells are very small and therefore have a high ratio of plasma membrane surface to cell volume.
Microvilli Cells that are specialized for absorption (ex: intestinal cells) have folds in the plasma membrane called microvilli that increase the surface area.
Pseudopodia are temporary extensions of the plasma membrane used for movement or to engulf particles. Pseudopodia can be seen in the Amoeba below.
Cell Wall The cell wall functions to support and protect the cell. Plants have cell walls composed of cellulose; fungi have walls composed of chitin. The cell walls of these onion skin cells can be easily seen.
Nucleus The nuclei can be seen in the photograph of human cheek cells The largest organelle
Cytoplasm – the material enclosed by the plasma membrane, excluding the nucleus
Cilia and Flagella Hairlike structures projecting from the cell that function to move the cell by their movements. They contain cytoplasm and are enclosed by the plasma membrane.
Cell Organelles: Plant vs. Animal ANIMAL PLANT Cell Membrane Cytoplasm Microtubules/cytoskeletons Nucleus Nucleolus Chromatin Nuclear Membrane Rough E.R. Smooth E.R Ribosomes Golgi Apparatus/Bodies Vesicles Lysosomes Mitochondria Vacuole (Large Central Vacuole) Centriole Chloroplast Cilia Cell Wall Flagella
Plant and Animal Cell Diagram & Organelle Function Studyguide Finish as homework if necessary!