2011 CEOWA Workshops
NuLitData disks WALNA data 2001 – 2007 (Years 3, 5, 7) MSE Yr 9 data: Reading and Numeracy 2005 – 2007 Reading and Numeracy converted scores 2008 – 2010 MSE Science Year 9, 2005 – 2010 PIPS data (if applicable) Year 12 scores 2008 – 2010 (individual residuals)
Year 12 scores (TEE/WACE) Scaled scores 2008, 2009 subjects: English, Literature, Discrete Maths, Applicable Maths, Calculus, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Human Biology 2010 subject changes: Mathematics, Mathematics:Specialist, Human Biological Studies
Year 9 – 12 links Reading English, Literature Numeracy Discrete Maths (Maths) Applicable Maths (Maths: Spec) Calculus Science Biology Chemistry Physics Human Biology (HBS)
Following cohorts Year 9, 2005 – Year 12, 2008 Year 9, 2006 – Year 12, 2009 Year 9, 2007 – Year 12, 2010
NAPNuLitData disks NAPLAN data 2008 – 2010 Years 3, 5, 7, 9 First time to link cohorts from Year 7, 2008 to Year 9, 2010 etc Value-added residuals, student progress now included
Yr 9 Numeracy – Year 12 Discrete Maths 2008
Yr 9 Reading – Yr 12 English (boys red)
2011 data Links will be made between the Year 12, 2011 data and Year 9, 2008 data From 2011, Year 12 data will appear on the NAPNuLitData disk Value-added residuals will be included for Yr9/Yr12
Exploring your schools data Select either Literacy or Numeracy as your focus for todays analysis Prepare a ppt that you could use to make a presentation to your staff Set up a ppt with your schools name etc on the title page
Exploring your schools data: Whole school NuLit Data disc Open School Means over time for Prepare a screen with Years 3, 5, 7, 9 for your chosen focus area Compare with Like Schools, and with State Describe trends across Years 3, 5, 7, 9 Insert a screen into your ppt and enter your description of key features
Overview continued NAPNuLit disc Examine your NAPLAN results for with reference to the results for Australia Add this to your ppt, with comment
NAPNuLit continued Examine the spread of performance in your chosen focus area, for each Year (3, 5, 7, 9) and for each year (2008, 2009, 2010) Select typical and also exceptional examples and add to the ppt with comment
NAPNuLit and NuLit Examine the box plots for your chosen focus area, for each Year (3, 5, 7, 9) and for each of 2008, 2009 and 2010 Look for typical and exceptional distributions, and also trends for subgroups (boys/girls etc) Compare these with trends in distributions in WALNA data Add to your ppt with comment
Exploring your schools data: Individual students Identify individual students of interest and follow over time, backwards from Year 12 Identify individual students of interest and follow over time, forwards from Pre-Primary Describe the progress of a typical student, and also of an exceptional student Add plots and commentary
Select 5 schools Each gives a 10 minute presentation using their prepared ppt, to the group
Reporting in Bands Year 3 Exempt Year 5 Exempt Year 7 Exempt Year 9 Exempt Below minimum standardAt minimum standardAbove minimum standard