Welcome Class of 2022
WELCOME TO 6TH GRADE PARENT NIGHT High School Graduation Requirements-Class of 2022 (2) 7th Grade Registration
Foundation High School Program + Endorsements Graduation Requirements and Endorsement Options
General Information This plan provides personal choice, flexibility, & options. Students and parents are required to select (in writing) an endorsement area and create a 4-Year Plan Endorsement plan selection may be changed at any time. Students may earn more than one endorsement NOTE: Students must graduate with the Distinguished Level of Achievement in order to be eligible for top 10% automatic admission at any Texas public university and also to be considered for the TEXAS Grant.
Distinguished Level of Achievement A student must earn Distinguished Level of Achievement to be eligible for the top 10% automatic admission program The Distinguished Level of Achievement requires: 4 credits in math, including Algebra II 4 credits in science All Foundation High School Program requirements At least one endorsement
Graduation Plans for the Class of 2018 and Beyond Foundation + Endorsement(s) Distinguished Level of Achievement Discipline Credits English and PACE (1/2) 4 ½ Math 3 1 Including Algebra II Science Social Studies Foreign Language 2 Fine Arts PE (1) and Health (1/2) 1 ½ Electives/Endorsement Courses 4 Total Credits for Graduation 22 26
5 Endorsement Areas STEM – Science, Technology (including computer science), Engineering, and advanced Math Business & Industry – Information Technology, database management, marketing, accounting, finance, graphic design, construction, welding, automotive technology, agriculture, hospitality & tourism (culinary arts) Public Service – Health Science occupations, education, human services (child guidance, cosmetology), JROTC Arts and Humanities – Political science, literature, world languages, cultural studies, history, fine arts (Art, Dance, Music, & Theatre) Multidisciplinary – Provides students the opportunity to take a variety of courses from each of the other four endorsement areas
6th to 7th Grade Registration What classes do I take next year? Required classes Electives
REQUIRED COURSES Language Arts Math Science Texas History P.E. /Full Year Athletics Elective/Reading Workshop Elective/Math Lab
Eligibility for Level 1 Classes Students must have a 85 or higher end of the year average in that subject area and a signed parent permission letter. (Does not apply to Math) Please Note: *Level 1 classes move at a faster pace and demand more out of class time for assignments. *Students are expected to be independent and self-directed learners. *These classes are designed to challenge students beyond grade level. Moving Up in Math Summer School or CBE, Student in Level 1 class will be able to continue in the Level 1 class if the student maintains a 75+ or higher
Dyslexia/Reading Workshop/Math Lab Dyslexia class will take the place of an elective. Students who score below the recommended district criteria on STAAR or who fail core academic courses (ELAR/Math) may be required to take math lab and/or reading workshop during the elective period(s). Encourage students to do their best!
Students Choose One Physical Education Class: Course # Physical Education/Athletics Choose One Option with an “X” 6743 Athletics, Girls (Full Year Commitment): Doctor’s Physical Required 6753 Athletics, Boys (Full Year Commitment): Doctor’s Physical Required 6713 PE (Full Year) 6003 Off-Campus PE, OCPE (Full Year) Student MUST leave campus during first or last period. Student MUST maintain 15-hour per week training in an approved program. Deadline for application – May 1st Students enrolled in Athletics MUST have a doctor’s physical prior to participation
FULL YEAR COURSES Course Number Course Description Prerequisites High School Credit 7173 Band Full year commitment 7233 Orchestra 7333 Choir - GIRLS 7343 Choir - BOYS 7303 Intermediate Theatre Arts AMT or Theatre Arts 6 and teacher recommendation. 7433 Beginning Art 7443 Advanced Art Sixth grade full year art and art teacher approval 8443 Yearbook Application process and teacher approval (Limited Enrollment) 7713 * Spanish I You must have a second semester average of 80+ in 6th grade on-level language arts or 75+ in Level 1 or Horizons language arts. 1 7733 * Spanish IA 2 year program to complete Spanish I. Spanish IB must be taken in 8th grade. ½ 7833 * Spanish Native Speaker 1 Students with a Spanish language background. 7613 * French I 8213 * Concepts of Engineering and Technology 7683 * American Sign Language I
HALF-YEAR COURSES (1 SEMESTER) You would need to choose two of these courses. 7390 Art Design 7800 Career Portals: Family & Consumer Sciences 7810 Exploring Foods and Fabrics 8350 * Touch System Data Entry (Keyboarding) ½ 7280 Beginning Theatre Arts 7460 * Professional Communications You must have a 75+ average in language arts/reading in 6th grade. 9860 Office Assistant Good Conduct. Priority given to 8th grade students. 8430 Yearbook Application process and teacher approval (Limited enrollment)
Write down the names of your elective choices & the course #s Fall Semester Spring Semester 1st Elective Do NOT fill in this section if the 1st elective you chose was a FULL year elective. Course # Course Name Course # Course Name 2nd Do NOT fill in this section if the 2nd elective you chose was a FULL year elective. Course # Course Name
Make sure to include Alternate Elective Choices in case you do not get your 1st or 2nd choice
Students will turn in their yellow registration sheets to their World Cultures teacher by Monday, March 7th HS and MS course description booklet (Spillane website under curriculum tab) http://www.cfisd.net/ (Under Quick Links)