Chapter I Terminologi, Standart Human, Scaling
1. Anatomical Terminology
Motion in Human Machine Degree of freedom coordinate needed to describe that type of motion. Angular movement x,y,z Rotational movement θx, θy, and θz Two types of articulations : - fibrous (bones joined by connective tissue) - cartilaginous (bones joined by cartilage) joints, can bend only very little.
Flexion & Extention Extension angle of 1D hinge increase Flexion angle of 1D hinge decrease Abduction rotate away from midline Adducton rotate closer to midline Rotation move body part about its axis Pronation screwdriver movement in the arm toward to body Supination screwdriver movement in the arm away from body
Standart Human
Standart Human
Standart Human
Standart Human
Scaling Relationship Allometric rule how to predict some properties in body mass using scaling relationship f = properties of animal a, = parameter of relationship mb = body mass in kg
Another prediction Surface area of a person, A , height H in m body mass Human body density
Another prediction Body Mass Index (Qutelet’s index) Normal value men : 14-20% women : 21-27%