DBBT MASTER STUDIES University of Banja Luka progress report Igor KRČMAR Ostrava, VSB Technical University, 28 th March, 2017. University of Banja Luka Faculty of Electrical Engineering
1. STATUS OF ACCREDITATION/LICENSING PROCEDURE Appropriate documents prepared Faculty level – passed/succesful University level – passed/succesful Ministry level - first step – passed/succesful
2. STATUS OF TENDERING PROCEDURES First tender – unsuccesful Separation of equipment into lots Second tender procedure (computer equipment) – in progress Customs and VAT exemption issues - unresolved
GRANT CONTRIBUTION IN EURO Expected costs (April 2017) Beneficiary Institution GRANT CONTRIBUTION IN EURO Staff Costs Travel Costs Costs of Stay Equipment Subcontracting Costs until 11.01.2017 6.758,00 (15%) - 4.104,00 2.654,00 Expected costs (April 2017) 9.720,00 9.300,00 150,00 270,00 Total 16.478,00 (36%) 4.254,00 2.924,00
To solve customs and VAT exemption issues Finish licensing procedure 4. NEXT STEPS To solve customs and VAT exemption issues Finish licensing procedure Quality management