What are Micronutrients? Micronutrients are things which we need in small quantities and can be found in different foods… Iron Vitami ns Calcium
Iron Iron is needed to make new red blood cells and helps to carry oxygen in the blood. It is stored in the liver.
Non-haem iron haem iron Iron Foods that are rich in iron can be from plants (non haem iron) or animals (haem iron). Non haem iron is more difficult for the body to absorb. Non-haem iron haem iron
A visual way to remember iron and vitamin c being friends Some foods can help the body store iron - like vitamin c. If you haven’t got enough iron it’s called being anaemic. This makes you really tired (who can think why?) A visual way to remember iron and vitamin c being friends
Vitamins Vitamins can be found in different foods and all do different jobs in the body
Vitamins Water soluble Fat soluble Vitamin A Vitamin B Vitamin D vitamins can be split into two categories – Water and Fat soluble. Water soluble vitamins need to be eaten every day and cannot be stored. Fat soluble vitamins can be stored in the body Vitamin A Vitamin B Vitamin D Vitamin C Vitamin K Vitamin E Water soluble Fat soluble
Vitamins A B B1: Thiamine B2: Riboflavin B12: C E K
A B C E K Vitamins Making skin healthy & helping night vision Releases energy from food, makes red blood cells C Making skin healthy & helps absorption of iron E Antioxidant K Making blood clot
Calcium Calcium helps build strong bones and teeth - and makes sure blood clots
Calcium Calcium can be found in lots of foods…
Calcium A lack of calcium can lead to osteoporosis and rickets