Cold War Roots
Conference at Yalta Yalta Soviet Union fought West controlling all of Eastern Europe United States and Britain fought East controlling Western Europe Met in middle - Germany Yalta United States, Britain, Soviet Union Agreed: Divide Germany into zones East Germany = German Democratic Republic West Germany = Federal Republic of Germany Germany will pay (reparations?) to Soviet Union for loss of life and property Free Elections in Eastern Europe
Division of Germany (Yalta) & Berlin (Potsdam)
Goals of the 2 Super Powers United States Encourage Democracy to prevent spread of Communism Access materials and markets to fuel economy Rebuild European governments for stability Reunite Germany – stability and security Soviet Union Encourage Communism for worldwide workers’ revolution (Spread Communism) Rebuild its economy using Eastern Europe’s resources Use Eastern Europe as a buffer from the West Keep Germany divided to prevent war (France?)
Wall of Satellite Nations Shield itself from a Western invasion History of European invasions Soviets pushed Nazis West capturing Eastern Europe Free Elections? Installed Communist Governments: Romania, Bulgaria
Iron Curtain Video “Iron Curtain” represents the division between Mostly Democratic Western Europe Communist Eastern Europe Go To RealPlayer
Truman Doctrine “I believe that it must be the policy of the United States to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressure.” Truman, March 12, 1947 Truman Doctrine: limiting Communism to the areas it already controlled, Containment
Marshall Plan Post war Europe was destroyed, breeding ground for Communism Marshall Plan: massive aid program, including food and economic assistance to help rebuild European countries Stalin rejected Marshall Plan
Berlin Airlift ¾ of Berlin controlled by Western Democracies lay deep within Eastern Germany June, 1948 : Sealed off rail and highway access to Berlin (lack of utlities) Western Response: Massive airlift for more than a year with food, medicine and fuel Why?
Define the following on this paper: North Atlantic Treaty Organization Warsaw Pact