Module 3: Promoting Positive Relationships Effective Teacher Practices Supporting the North Carolina Foundations for Early Learning and Development 2018 Module 3: Promoting Positive Relationships
Relationships Activity
Review of Pre-learning Assignment Review instructional practices from self-assessment and share strategies. Based on the results of your C:D:C, would you like to increase or decrease correcting? Directing? Connecting? Brainstorm ways to modify your teaching style to foster development of the traits discussed in the article in the children you care for. Discuss how you can change your daily schedule to enjoy more time connecting with individual children. Discuss how you will share the article with parents and co-workers.
Objectives To understand how to effectively implement instructional practices related to building and maintaining positive relationships that promote children’s learning To understand the importance of involving families in practices related to building and maintaining positive relationships that promote children’s learning
Objectives To understand the importance of conducting formative assessment with children as they maintain and build positive relationships which promote learning To understand the relationships between targeted instructional practices, NC Foundations for Early Learning and Development, and the NC Professional Teaching Standards
Impact of Relationships in Early Childhood
Impact of Relationships in Early Childhood
But how…?
Relationship Video Remove photo and insert video [Insert Module 3 Relationships video 1.]
Effective Teaching Practices Supporting Emotional-Social Development
Instructional Practices Checklist
Teaching Standards
Relationship Video Remove photo and insert video [Insert Module 3 Relationships video 1]
Foundations-NC Standard Course of Study Crosswalk Kindergarten Children identify ways of making and keeping friends. Older Preschool Children form relationships and interact positively with other children. 19
Role Play Form groups of four Choose one person to play principal role Choose one person to play teacher role Choose two people to be observers / coaches Role play conversation: Principal voices concerns Teacher answers concerns Observers / coaches assist teacher
Play is Essential
Red Box Activity Remove photo and insert video [Insert Module 3 Relationships video 2.]
Teaching Standards
Red Box Activity Remove photo and insert video [Insert Module 3 Relationships video 2.]
Formative Assessment Formative Assessment Where Am I Going? How Do I Close the Gap? Where Am I Now?
Formative Assessment - Group At your tables, discuss: What do you think the learning targets might have been for the red box activity for the group? How might Doyle have defined the criteria for success for the group for this activity? What skill(s) would she wish to observe that would indicate that the group was successful in offering and/or receiving compliments? What feedback did Doyle give the group? What other feedback might she have given? How should Doyle change or adjust instruction for the group? What might be the next steps for this activity?
Formative Assessment - Individual At your tables, discuss: What might be learning targets for TJ in the red box activity? How might Doyle have defined success for TJ in this activity? What did you see him do? What is his skill level in offering a peer a compliment? What feedback did Doyle give TJ? What other feedback might she have given him? How should Doyle change or adjust instruction for TJ? What should be TJ’s “next steps” -- or how could she scaffold TJ to the next skill level?
Relationships with Families/Caregivers
Relationships with Staff Members
Reflective Thought
Post-learning Activity Using Formative Assessment Reflection: Select and observe child Document skill level Determine next steps Family Engagement and Communication: Share observation with family Collaborate to develop targeted activities Communication with Staff Members: Share targeted activities with staff members Determine data collection methods Discuss your self assessment checklist and decide which instructional practice you are going to improve Decide how you would like to change the amount of time you are directing , correcting or connecting.
“Every child needs one person who is crazy about him.”
References Alexander, K. L., Entwisle, D. R., & Dauber, S. L. (1993). First grade classroom behavior: Its short-and long-term consequences for school performance, Child Development, 64(3), 801-814. Bandura, A. (1994). Self-efficacy. In V. S. Ramachaudran (Ed.), Encyclopedia of human behavior (pp. 71-81). New York, NY: Academic Press. Bronfenbrenner, U. (1994). Who cares for the children? In H. Nuba, M. Searson, D.L. Sheiman (Eds.), Resources for Early Childhood: A Handbook. New York, NY: Garland. Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning. (n.d.). Retrieved from Dombro, A., Jablon, Johnson, & Ensler. (2015). Powerful Interactions. Retrieved from Ginsburg, K. R. (2007). The importance of play in promoting healthy child development and maintaining strong parent-child bonds. Pediatrics, 119(1), 182-191. Hamre, B. K., & Pianta, R. C. (2001). Early teacher –child relationships and the trajectory of children's school outcomes through eighth grade. Child Development, 72 (2), 625-638. Luby, J., Belden, A., Botteron, K., Marrus, N., Harms, M.P., Babb, C., Nishino, T., Barch, D. (2013). The Effects of Poverty on Childhood Brain Development: The Mediating Effect of Caregiving and Stressful Life Events. JAMA Pediatrics, 167(12), 1135-1142. doi: 10.1001/jamapediatrics.2013.3139 Noddings, N. (2014). The ethics of care and education. London: Innovation in Youth Work Conference. NC Division of Child Development and Early Education. (2014, May 14). North Carolina Approved Early Childhood Formative Assessment Tools 2013. Retrieved from
References NC FALCON. (n.d.). North Carolina’s formative assessment learning community’s online network. Retrieved from North Carolina Foundations Task Force. (2013). North Carolina foundations for early learning and development. Raleigh, NC: Author. Retrieved from Perry, B. D. & Pollard, R. (1997). Altered brain development following global neglect in early childhood. Society for Neuroscience: Proceedings from Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA. Retrieved from Pianta, R. B. (2008). Classroom effects on children's achievement trajectories in elementary school. American Education Research Journal, 45(2), 365-397 Ritchie, S. &. Gutmann, L. (Eds.). (2014). FirstSchool: Transforming PreK-3rd Grade for African american, Latino, and Low-Income Children. New York, NY: Teachers College Press. Shonkoff, D. J. (2000). From Neurons to Neigthborhoods: The Science of Early Childhood Development in 2000. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, and Office of Head Start. (2011). The Head Start Parent, Family, and Community Engagement Framework. Arlington, VA: Head Start Resource Center. Retrieved from: