A Survey of Renowned Fiction and the Films Adapted from It Film and Literature A Survey of Renowned Fiction and the Films Adapted from It
Instructor’s Contact Info Instructor Prof. Wayne Gauthier Office IIE Rm. 103 Office hours Tue & Thu 12:00~1:30 Email professorwaynekhu@gmail.com Class webpage professorwaynekhu.wordpress.com
Course Notes No 40% Rule This is an English content course taught entirely in English. You will be expected to read, discuss, write, etc. all in English. VERY CHALLENGING!
Course Texts
WEEK TOPIC Course introduction; Group formation 1 Course introduction; Group formation 2 The Picture of Dorian Gray 3 The Hound of the Baskervilles 4 The Hound of the Baskervilles (cont.); Flowers for Algernon 5 Flowers for Algernon (cont.) 6 The Great Gatsby; submit notebook (1); Assignment #1 due 7 The Great Gatsby 8 MIDTERM EXAM 9 2001: A Space Odyssey (“The Sentinel” short story) 10 2001 (cont.); The Joy Luck Club; submit notebook (2); Assignment #2 due 11 The Joy Luck Club 12 Of Mice and Men 13 Of Mice and Men (cont.); The Beach 14 The Beach (cont.); Project Prep.; submit notebook (3); Assignment #3 due 15 FINAL PROJECT PRESENTATION 16
GRADING & ATTENDANCE Grades based on the following criteria: Must attend at least 2/3 of classes Be punctual! Participation (20%) Be active! Make your activity obvious! H/W & Assignments (30%) Submit notebooks three times during semester (15 pts) 3 assignments (15 pts) Midterm exam (20%) Essay-type questions Final exam (20%) Group short film creation & presentation
Homework: Visit class blog Buy The Picture of Dorian Gray mini-book (and/or download pdf from webpage) Buy a notebook Be prepared to work!