City of Palo Alto GoBox Pilot Project Title Page Title in Arial black 36 point Date is Arial 20 points Title and date are centered within the white center box The logo remains constant on every page centered on the bottom Image should be a hero image per department and be proportional and sized at 10 inches wide and 6.5 inches high
No Yes Zero Waste Goal Palo Alto has a Zero Waste goal Already had robust recycling and composting programs Wanted to foster waste prevention efforts – chose take out containers because they are also a litter issue Goal metrics: 90% diversion by 2021 & 95% diversion by 2030 Zero Waste is more than recycling and composting – which we have robust programs for We have fewer waste prevention programs – home composting, Zero Waste Party Packs, swaps, Repair Café. These are much harder to figure out. Slide with photo right side Title in Arial white 28 point Title sits in green box Copy is Calibri 20 point black Use right side image for all bulleted copy Line spacing is 1.5 Image is right justified and is 3.5 inches wide and 7.5 inches tall No Yes
GO Box Pilot Project The City contracted with GO Box to start a pilot program in Palo Alto. Focused only in one area, University Avenue. The pilot started in 2015. Restaurants & Drop Boxes: The City and GO Box went out and asked businesses to participate. Vendor – 11 restaurants Drop box location – 2 sites Subscribers to date: City staff - 141 Individual (residents, workers, etc.) - 6 City issued an RFP for a reusable takeout cup and container service The only vendor that responded was GO Box.
Outreach efforts Ads Flyers Emails Tabling Other Slide with photo right side Title in Arial white 28 point Title sits in green box Copy is Calibri 20 point black Use right side image for all bulleted copy Line spacing is 1.5 Image is right justified and is 3.5 inches wide and 7.5 inches tall
GO Box Pilot Project Update For 2018... The City has six restaurants signed up and one drop off location. The program has diverted 89 cups & 187 single use containers. Since inception the GO Box program has diverted 876 single use containers and cups. Slide with photo right side Title in Arial white 28 point Title sits in green box Copy is Calibri 20 point black Use right side image for all bulleted copy Line spacing is 1.5 Image is right justified and is 3.5 inches wide and 7.5 inches tall
Many businesses are about convenience. Take-Aways Many businesses are about convenience. Disposables are cheap and easy to get. Currently reusables are optional. Even when barriers were removed, participation was limited City employees have free subscription City Hall Café offers GO Box cups and containers City Hall Lobby has drop box The only users of GO Box are City employees 141 are signed up, but only 5 use it regularly
Mandate reusable take-out containers Next Steps Mandate reusable take-out containers Foodware Packaging Reduction Ordinance Require restaurants to help solve the problem City is working on developing a foodware packaging reduction plan and ordinance. The plan is to eventually require reusable foodware for take-out (2025). Make it mandatory. Meeting with UpStream to determine ways to get business to take more responsibility (EPR) for providing a reusable container program.
Questions? New section Arial 36 black centered Image 6.5 x 10 New section Arial 36 black centered Image 6.5 x 10