Phonics Café Hello and welcome. Please help yourselves to refreshments. Please may you sit four to a table.
What is ph-o-n-i-c-s? Words are made up of sounds (44 sounds). Pushing sounds together (blending) to read words. Sounds work singularly, in pairs or threes: yes ship fright Over 150 ways to spell the 44 sounds e.g.: s, ss, se, c, ce
What is ph-o-n-i-c-s? Bouncy and s-t-r-e-tch-y sounds.
No ‘uh’ at the end of words. What is ph-o-n-i-c-s? No ‘uh’ at the end of words.
Let’s have a go!
Storybooks and helping your child at home Your child can read the RWI books to you, fluently and with expression. Celebrate and lavish praise! Read the Rigby Star books together. Books are sent home every week.
Speed Sounds
Green and Red Words
Reading the story
Phonics Screening Check Statutory. June. 40 words – 20 real and 20 nonsense. Class teacher and pupil 1:1, up to 10 minutes. Threshold mark. Results in summer report. Re-take the check in Year 2.
Phonics Screening Check
http://www. ruthmiskin
Suggestions for next time…