Verdad(True ) o Falso(False) Spanish is the third most spoken language? True Spanish is the world's third most spoken language, after Mandarin Chinese and English, and ranks second in terms of native speakers…almost 500 million speakers(native and nonnative)!
Verdad(True ) o Falso(False) Hispanic consumers are the fastest- growing market segment in North America True Their population in the USA has grown by 60% in just one decade and their buying power is expected to exceed $1.3 billion by 2013
Verdad(True ) o Falso(False) Spanish is the second most used language in international communication, and an official language of the UN and its organizations True
Verdad(True ) o Falso(False) 29 million US residents above the age of 5 speak Spanish at home True That's approximately 1 of every 10 US residents, an enormous consumer and business-to-business market.
Verdad(True ) o Falso(False) The US Census Bureau reports that the nation's Hispanic population is expected to jump to 49.3 million from 38.2 million by 2015 True The 39 million Hispanics currently living in the USA make up 12.5% of the total population. This population growth has increased demand for Spanish language media: radio, television, newspapers, magazines...
Verdad(True ) o Falso(False) Latin American countries are experiencing strong economic growth and becoming important global commercial partners True Newly created MERCOSUR and the existing free trade agreements between Hispanic countries and North America (ALADI, the Andean Community, CACM, NAFTA, G3), are expected to bring further growth to Latin American economies.
Verdad(True ) o Falso(False) Latin culture continues to have a global influence on architecture, art and literature. True Who isn't familiar with Cervantes’ 'Don Quijote de la Mancha’, the second most translated book after the Bible, which marked its 400th anniversary in 2005 with worldwide celebrations? Who hasn't heard that the most expensive painting ever sold is a Picasso? Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava continues to make his mark worldwide, with recent and current projects in Sweden, Ireland, Germany, the Olympic campus in Athens and the site of the world trade center in New York, among others. Spanish language authors like Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Isabel Allende continue to lead global best seller lists and win international critical acclaim.
So what about potential careers? Medical Education Government Business Translating/Interpreting
DIFFERENCES BETWEEN TRANSLATION & INTERPRETING Translation – written Interpreting – oral
WHAT’S THE MISSION? Communication
PREVENTING INEFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION Sign in a ski resort in Austria: “Not to perambulate the corridors in the hours of repose in the boots of ascension.” What is the message? Can you “translate” it? Detour sign in Japan: Stop! Drive Sideways At a ticket office in a Copenhagen airport: We take your bags and send them in all directions Austria: Not to perambulate the corridors in the hours of repose in the boots of ascension
LOOK OUT! Sign in a tailor shop in Greece: Order your summer suit. Because is big rush, we will execute customers in strict rotation.
WHAT IS THE JOB LIKE? & WHERE DO TRANSLATORS WORK? Translation Small team: translator, editor, proofreader Detail and project oriented Research Tools Literary, corporate, government, legal, medical settings
WHAT IS THE JOB LIKE & WHERE DO INTERPRETERS WORK? Interpretation Interpreters often work in teams Work before large & small audiences Expert proficiency and speed in spoken language On the spot knowledge of terms Interpreting in business vs. tourism
A GOOD TRANSLATOR IS… Curious Independent, creative A good researcher Self-motivated A strong writer
A GOOD INTERPRETER IS… Proficient at speaking two languages Able to speak before groups large & small Willing and able to travel Knowledgeable in various fields Flexible
BECOMING AN INTERPRETER/TRANSLATOR Languages and other courses in high school Colleges w/ strong and relevant programs Degrees in translation Living abroad Volunteer work Clubs and associations
IMPORTANCE OF TRANSLATORS & INTERPRETERS United Nations Works of literature Post 9/11 world International Business
HELP SAVE THE U.S. FROM BAD TRANSLATIONS Kentucky Fried Chicken Finger Lickin’ Good in Chinese = Eat Your Fingers Off Pepsi Come Alive with the Pepsi Generation in Chinese = Pepsi Will Bring your Ancestors Back from the Dead
Translation & Interpretation A Global Career 12/26/2018 By: Sarah L. Garriott
Basic Definitions: Translation is transferring written text from a source language into the target language while maintaining the author’s intent. Interpretation is the transfer of oral speech from a source language into a target language while maintaining the speaker’s intent. 12/26/2018 By: Sarah L. Garriott
What gets translated? Personal documents Literary works Software localization Film sub-titles Advertisements Legal documents Contracts Medical records… ANYTHING IN TYPE! 12/26/2018 By: Sarah L. Garriott
More on Interpreting: Types of Interpreting: Consecutive Simultaneous / Conference Sight Translation Voice-Over Escort 12/26/2018 By: Sarah L. Garriott
Where do Translators Work? “Free-lance” / Independent Contractor “In-house” Medical Legal Government Business Literary Hi-Tech 12/26/2018 By: Sarah L. Garriott
Where do Interpreters Work? Free-lance / Contractors “In-House” Hospitals & General Community Financial Institutions Government / U.N. / Consulates Business Courts & Legal Entities Escort 12/26/2018 By: Sarah L. Garriott
How can I qualify to be a translator? Skills: Foreign Language (s) Education Experience Excellent writer Attention to detail Accessible Computer literate Able to focus and follow through Reliable & professional Flexible 12/26/2018 By: Sarah L. Garriott
How do I qualify to be an interpreter? Skills: Foreign Language (s) “People Person” Ethical Reliable & professional Pleasant voice Education Patient & good endurance Flexible Experience Accessible 12/26/2018 By: Sarah L. Garriott
T&I Organizations: Local National International NOTIS: Northwest Translators & Interpreters Society www.notisnet.org SOMI: Society of Medical Interpreters www.sominet.org WITS: Washington State Court Interpreters & Translators Society www.witsnet.org National ATA: American Translators Association www.atanet.org International AIIC: International Association of Conference Interpreters www.aiic.net 12/26/2018 By: Sarah L. Garriott
Better grades in core subjects Students who study another language… do better in core subjects Better grades in core subjects Second language students consistently outperform their peers on standardized tests in core subject areas Studies: Armstrong & Rogers, 1997; Saunders, 1998; Masciantonio, 1977; Rafferty, 1986; Andrade, 1989; Kretschmer & Kretschmer, 1989; Bastian 1980
Students who study another language… do better in core subjects They score over 100 points more in each section (College Board, 2004) Students who study four years of a second language outscore others on both the verbal and math section of the SAT Source: College Board, 2003
Learning a second language not just academically strong students benefits all students, not just academically strong students
Students who study another language… do better in core subjects Studying a second language enhances reading and writing in English Better reading skills Studies: Curtain & Dahlberg, 2004; Saville-Troike, 1984