Latin 1 what fun!! Chapter 1 Ecce Romani George Badey
Interjection ecce = Look! [Italian – Ecco!] Clip Art
puella, puellae F. = girl Noun Google images
The _____ of this Comedian is Dave Chappelle Noun The _____ of this Comedian is Dave Chappelle nōmen, nōminis N. = name [nominate, nominee, nomenclature] Google images
The sound this animal makes. Quis? = Who? Pronoun Clip Art
Verb habitō, habitāre, habitāvī, habitātus = to live, dwell [inhabit, habitation, habit, habitat] Google images
Adverb etiam = also, even Google images
Noun vīlla, vīllae F. = countryhouse [village, Villanova, villain] Google images
Noun + Villa Rustica=Country house and farm Google images
Adverb ubi = when, where? [ubiquitous, ubiquity] _______ in the world is Carmen Sandiego Adverb Google images
Noun aestās, aestātis F = summer aestāte = in summer [aestivate, estivation] Google images
Adam Sandler was in _____ Gilmore Adjective Adam Sandler was in _____ Gilmore laetus, laeta, laetum = happy Google images
Conjunction I don’t know a picture for this word ______ it is too hard. quod [conjunction] = because
I have handed in my paper. My paper is ______ handed in. Adverb iam = now, already
Phrase These people are ____ _ ___ sub arbore=under the tree Google images
Verb This dog is _____ in a chair sedeō, sedēre, sēdī, sessus = to sit Google images This dog is _____ in a chair Verb sedeō, sedēre, sēdī, sessus = to sit
This ___ That Conjunction et = and
This little girl is _____ Verb Google images This little girl is _____ legō, legere, lēgī, lectus = read [legible, illegible, lecture, elect, select]
Adjective The red hand is the _____ hand alter, altera, alterum = a second [alternate, alternative, alter ego] Google images
Adjective vīcinus, vīcina, vīcinum neighboring [vicinity] Google images Adjective vīcinus, vīcina, vīcinum neighboring [vicinity]
Not an isle but a ______ conjunction dum = while
Verb scrībō, scrībere, scrīpsī, scrīptus = to write [scribe, scribble, script, describe, prescription] Google images