FREE VERSE Free Verse is a poem that has either no metrical pattern or an irregular pattern. It does not rhyme. It also uses poetic language.
HAIKU Haiku is a Japanese poetry form. When written in Japanese, the haiku has seventeen syllables arranged in three lines. The first line has 5 syllables, the second line has 7 syllables, and the third line has 5 syllables. They usually depict nature. It also depends on imagery. The poet leaves out all unnecessary words. They do not rhyme and are usually untitled.
LIMERICK The limerick is a five-lined poem whose rhyme, rhythm, and content usually have a comic effect. A snappy poem, lines one, two, and five rhyme, as do lines three and four. (aabba). The last line is often a punch line.
NARRATIVE A narrative poem tells a story. The event may be imaginary or real, well known or obscure. Narratives may be use conventional rhyme and meter or may be done in free verse, but the language used should be poetic with metaphors, similes, and other figurative language.
SONNET The sonnet is a fourteen-line poem composed of eight and six line stanzas, each having clearly defined roles. Stanza 1 (the octave) presents a situation or problem that Stanza 2 (the sestet) comments on or resolves. 4 Characteristics of a Sonnet: 14 lines the lines are written in iambic pentameter. It has definite rhyme scheme or pattern Its brevity demands a concentration of material and fuses the images into a single direct idea or emotion.