The digital divide in Utrecht Smart Governance for Sustainable Sities. March 10, 2016 Danielle Fiolet, Manager Research Department, Municipality of Utrecht Hier komt ook tekst Iets vertellen over aanleiding onderzoek en aanpak: The research was focused on elderly, people with literacy problems and mentally impaired people as target groups. No special attention was paid to younger people. The surveys conducted were representative for Dutch and Utrecht citizens of 16 years and older. It should be mentioned that illiterate people are not included in the research, as surveys were mainly literate.
Digital skills…..we all encounter them! frustration So a short introduction Digital skills: what are they actually, we all encounter them (we already see our baby’s easily use babyapps on their parents Ipads). Everyone encounters them: for example who knows how to update the operating system on his smartphone, how easy is it for you to fille in your tax form online. Bu digital skills are much more than the ability to complete a form on internet. Problems with digital skills are not reserved for people with literacy problems or low education levels. Even when you have very good digital skills, you still can get lost on some websites trying to find the information you need. Our research showed that digital skills and levels of digital skills is a much more complex phenomenon than thought at first sight.
Research in Utrecht: why, what, how 2014: Utrecht City council adopted a motion to do research on digital skills of inhabitants Online services Participation Research goals Background on levels of digital skills. What are target groups? What’s their size? Internet usage of different groups? Which problems they encounter using the Internet? What’s the responsibility of the local authority? In July 2014 the Utrecht City Council adopted a motion to carry out a research on digital skills. The level of digital skills is a live discussion both across the Netherlands and in Utrecht. The digital skills of the people of Utrecht are an issue for the municipality from two perspectives. First people need more and more digital skills to communicate with the municipality itself, for example make online appointments to get a passport or driving license and to search for information. Second the municipality wants to remove barriers for participation of citizens, especially for target groups as elderly, disabled persons and immigrants. The purpose of the research was to provide information on the digital skills of the people of Utrecht and to enhance the range of solutions for improving these skills. To what extent different groups use the internet now? Methodology and data sources A deskresearch on existing research on digital skills levels in the Netherlands We had interviews with scientista to gain information on existing research Through our yearly citizen survey we asked inhabitants several questions on their digital skills We had Interviews with target groups and interest groups like elderly organizations and the library) We had group discussions with target groups (elderly, people with literacy problems, mentally impaired people) We had interviews with other organizations and companies that offer highly digitalized services for example the Dutch tax service
High internet access in the Netherlands So a little bit of background information: the level of internet access in the Netherlands is amongst the highest of Europe (with Luxembourg and Iceland), In the city of Utrecht 94% of the inhabitants makes use of the Internet at least once a week. But as we will see access is a precondiction, but not a garantee for usage and available skills.
Preconditions and different levels of digital skills This slide shows more about the concept of digital skills, what are we actually talking about? Before online participation you need to overcome somes barriers: you need to be motivated and you need a certain degree of literacy. Then you need acces to the Internet. The figure shows that in the netherlands 96% has internet access. 87% is a dail internet user. However to be able to use and have advantages from internet use, you need different skills: Operational skills: know how to start a computer and know how to control a computer Formal skills: know how to navigate the internet, not getting disoriented Informational skills: finding and using information Communicational skills: know how to communicate with others on internet (get in contact, using fora) Strategic internet skills: know how to use internet in your advance (book a cheap trip, find a job, using different websites and sources to get the right information) To be able to make good use of internet and other digital services, you need different skills from the Twente model. If strategic skills are necessary only 30% of the internet activities could be completed successfully. If only formal skills are necessary 82% of the activities are completed successfully. From National research we also know that: The level of digital skills is most related to a person’s level of education Also level of knowledge and degree of literacy is a major factor Younger people have better digital skills than older people But when older people improve their operational and formal internet skills, they have higher strategic skills than younger people The proportion with no internet access and rarely or no internet use is higher among functionally illiterate people, elderly and people with mental impairments.
6% 15% 17% NL Some Utrecht figures… 67%: 65+ 41%: functionally illiterate 44%: access Utrecht: 16.000 15% 62%: Users Utrecht: 28.000 68%: Users 17% NL Facts and figures: the numbers The national percentages and Utrecht numbers: 6% of the citizens don’t use internet: 16.000 Utrecht citizens 67% of the non-users is 65 years or older 41% of the non-users is functionally illiterate 44% of the non-users do have a computer and internet access 13% of the citizens is functional illiterate and 2,5% completely illiterate: 28.000 Utrecht citizens 62% of the (functional) illiterate people do use internet, but for different purposes eg. more for fun and entertainment 32% of the elderly don’t use internet (27% of the elderly between 65-75 and 39% of all people of 75 and older): 33.000 Utrecht citizens are 65 years or older, 10.700 do not use internet 68% of the elderly do use internet No reliable numbers are available of the number of mentally impaired people. National research gives estimations of 5% of all Dutch citizens. For Utrecht this would be 13.000 citizens. Utrecht: 10%, 33.000
Internet usage and level of education The Utrecht survey confirms national research. Not only digital skills depends on the level of education. Also the frequency of internet usage grows with the level of education: Frequency of internet usage is higher among higher educated inhabitants. Non-usage of internet is highest among lower educated inhabitants.
What else does the Utrecht survey tell? 50% What else does the Utrecht Survey tell? The Utrecht citizens find online requests the most difficult (eg to fill in a digital form to make an appointment or application). However, which was a remarkable finding also young Utrecht citizens find these actions difficult. On average 27% of the Utrecht citizens have difficulties with online requests. Half of the Utrecht citizens give help to others by using internet (50%). Elderly, lower educated, unemployed inhabitants and mentally impaired people in Utrecht mention more often that they need help with using internet.
Utrecht policy: Broad approach cocreation School (programmes) Municipality (connecting, agenda setting) Business (Economic Board, competences) Research institutions Prevention, education, upgrading skills Utrecht policy: Broad approach cocreation Volunteers Municipality (subsidy) Business (Economic Board, business owners Library, NGO’s Social initiatives (thematic meetings) And then a last sheet on the Utrecht policy on enhancing digital skills of citizen’s. The policy is characterized by a broad approach. It’s about prevention, education and supporting social initiatives from other groups in society. Also the municipality stays active in improving their own digital services. For example they want to start a practice portal where you first can practice with filling in a form or make payments on the internet.