BEING A DISCIPLE IN EVERY SPHERE OF LIFE Objectives The student will be able to: 1. Comprehend and creatively articulate the ultimate mission or purpose of life. 2. Apply and understand biblical approaches that transform the quality of a disciple. 3. Compare and contrast the various contexts or spheres that disciples are called to be on mission in. 4. Develop specific and biblical plans of outreach for each context that a disciple will experience. 5. Assess outreach experiences properly
Ultimate Mission in Life: Being a Faithful Disciple
Inward Transformation 1st Timothy 4:7 DISCIPLINE YOURSELF FOR THE PURPOSE OF GODLINESS Transforming Work of God Fruitful Disciple Matthew 15:16-20 James 4:1-10
Missional Contexts Family Children on Mission Friends on Mission Students on Mission Dating and Engaged Persons on Mission Spouses on Mission Parents on Mission Church Evangelists on Mission Congregants on Mission State Employers on Mission Citizens on Mission
Upward Motivations Did I worship God with my mind by engaging the situation with biblical truth? Did I worship God with my affections by being inwardly moved by Jesus? Did I worship God with my time by using my moments wisely and tactically? Did I worship God with my strength by exhibiting high levels of effort while on mission? Did I glorify God in my motivations by living for His glory, not for human opinions?