The business side of things – an update Debra Wheeler Network General Manager
L Level 3 CHD Centres - standards 15/17 self assessments returned Follow up visits happening Action plans and action trackers developed On average 90% of standards are achieved or partially achieved Most of the actions to bring about full compliance are for the Network !!
Telemedicine Link between Bradford and Leeds is now working Funded by CHSF Ability to view echo images in real time and get an opinion Evaluating the pilot in order to develop a Network strategy and roll out to all Centres
Network Database Solution to deliver a web based version of Oscar 4D Tender is being evaluated Funding (approx £40k) available through LTHT Accessible on any device ( PC, iPAd, Smart Phone) Access via the VPN1 Network Honorary contracts will be needed !!!
Tariffs In discussion with NHSE Yorkshire and Humber to achieve consistency All PEC activity should be recorded as TF 420 (flows to CCGs) All outreach activity should be recorded as TF 321( flows to NHSE). Can be paid to DGH or Specialist Centre ( Depends on the contracting arrangements)
Tariffs contd Echos can also be charged for in addition to the outpatient tariff If the PEC and Outreach specialist are seeing the same patients (together or one after the other) it’s multi-professional with just 1 patient list. If both doctors are running a patient list each and the specialist consultant is overseeing the clinic then it is 2 patient lists with all appointments classed as single professional
Tariffs contd Tariff for 420 and 321 is very similar
Social Media Yorkshire and Humber Congenital Heart Disease website Simple registration process Information about events, meetings Business of the Network Educational material Can make it interactive PLEASE JOIN !!
So Social Media contd Compliments Leeds Congenital Hearts Useful information for patients and families Educational material Guidelines Professionals information
So Social Media contd You can follow us @YHCHDN Raising awareness of the Network and what we do Promoting the work of aligned organisations Information sharing Please Tweet about today’s meeting !!
Network Board Draft Terms of Reference have been circulated to all member Trusts Chair - Dr Sandeep Kapoor (PEC in Scunthorpe) Vice Chair – Dr Farhana Khalil ( PEC Bradford) All Trusts to nominate a representative 4 meetings per year First meeting – October 2nd
Network Board contd Network will be responsible for Strategic direction and planning Improving quality Equality of access Improved patient and family experience Education, training and workforce Information and communication
National picture Still uncertainty about the long term sustainability of some Centres There will be a peer review of the Level 1 Centres in early 2019 ( emphasis on service improvement) National meeting of CHD Networks in May – to share learning and support each other South West and Y+H are the most advanced of the CHD Networks
National picture contd CHD Networks working together on Consistency around tariffs Sharing guidelines and protocols Role profile for Link Nurse Patient engagement Best practice in telemedicine Measuring lost to follow up rates Psychology Toolkit
January 16th 2019 Hull Royal Infirmary Next Meeting January 16th 2019 Hull Royal Infirmary