Getting them to learn not just be occupied
Think of something you were taught in secondary school Think of something you were taught in secondary school? Pair - discuss it with a partner and decide how you were taught it. Share - make your 2 to a 4 and share it with them
75% of learning is when you
75% of learning is when you doing practice
90% of learning is when you
90% of learning is when you others teach
10% is when you just
read 10% is when you just
Lesson Objectives – How to write them and how to check that they move learners from A to B.
The way we are teaching has changed to become more learning focused so our objectives need to match this style. The emphasis has shifted from Teaching Objectives (which describe what teachers do and the content delivered in the classroom) to Learning Objectives (which describe what learners can do as a result of the teaching) The language used when writing objectives should describe how we want our learners to learn as well as what they should know and understand. (Knowledge, Understanding, Skill) Justifying WHY we are learning is important for motivation as well as giving them the wider picture of what it links to. WILF – What I’m Looking For You will be able to describe the main features of a volcano and explain why they occur. Most of you will be able to explain why volcanic activity occurs at specific places around the world. Some of you will compare and contrast the location of different types of volcano and suggest methods of reducing impact. TIBS – This is Because By studying volcanoes, you will have a better understanding of other people’s lives and the impact on communities/economies around the world The language used when writing objectives should describe how we want our learners to learn as well as what they should know and understand. (Knowledge, Understanding, Skill) Justifying WHY we are learning is important for motivation as well as giving them the wider picture of what it links to
Learning Objective Nouns Learning Outcome Active Verbs Knowledge Memorize Recite Name Identify Understanding Describe Explain Classify Discuss Application Apply Choose Employ Operate Practice Analysis Compare Contrast Calculate Test Analyze Synthesis Construct Compose Create Design Propose Evaluation Argue Assess Defend Judge Evaluate
Goldilocks Knowledge Whose porridge was too sweet? Comprehension Why did Goldilocks like little Bear’s bed the best? Application What would have happened if Goldilocks had come to your house? Analysis Which parts of the story could not be true? Synthesis Can you think of a different ending? Evaluation Was Goldilocks good or bad? Why?
Constructing the Learning – Putting the lesson parts together to build knowledge, understanding and skills
Teacher sets up the task: 3. Activating Learning Teacher presents a powerpoint explaining the colourwheel and how to mix colours to the rest of the class. Q&A – during the presentation the teacher asks probing questions to find out the students prior knowledge on colour Students listen carefully as at the end of the lesson they will have to recall the information from the powerpoint and their own practice during the lesson. 4. Construct Teacher sets up the task: 1 person from each table to collect the paintings from last week. 1 person from each table to collect equipment. Aim is to use all the knowledge from last week’s demo and this week on colour to create the landscape. Choice of landscape is free. Students assist setting up the room for the lesson and follow instructions. Students begin to carry on with the task that has been set. Students to ask questions of their peers and the teacher whilst they are on task. Students to experiment with mixing colours 5. Apply to demonstrate Teacher brings the class back together as a whole and asks them to look at the questions on the board. The students are not to discuss it but to raise their hand if they think they can answer the questions. Those that can’t are given a few minutes to find out by using their paint palette. Teacher asks students to answer the questions and fill in the missing gaps. Students stop and listen. They look at the questions on the board and put their hands up if they can answer the questions. Those that can’t are given 2 minutes to find out the answer by using their colours. Students offer their answers and say how they found out. Either from the power point or painting their own work.