Socratic Seminar Prep
Learning Objectives I can cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources, connecting insights gained from specific details to an understanding of the text as a whole. I can use textual evidence to develop higher level questions.
Process Number each paragraph (will need to refer back to text later) Pre-read article: Read without annotating Annotate the article: highlighting main ideas or any terms that are not familiar, write questions in the margins for need clarification
Creating Questions Create six level 2 open ended questions that illicit deep discussion. Questions, that create conversation and challenges others to think critically about the given topic
Format for, level 2 questions In the second paragraph, on page 1 the article states, “When we meet someone new a first impression is first about looks; only later do things such as personality, brains and character start to take on meaning.” Based on that statement, is there a biological reason to a positive or negative first impression?
Example 2 The author states that, “They spend about one third of their income on maintaining those good looks.” Is this need maintain or enhance their beauty driven by women or driven by men?
Example 3 The article focuses on the attributes of beauty in regards to women but since men are not considered “beautiful”, what is the equivalent of beauty for men?
Socratic Seminar Scoring A Level Rubric -Participation/Response/Questioning: The students asks at least 3 open-ended question that leads to an active and engaged discussion. The questions are well articulated and clear. The question references specific information from either material provided in class or outside information brought by the student. Student responds on multiple occasion that adds to ongoing discussion. -reference/citing: The student participates on multiple occasions. They reference specific factual information in their participation either through questions or responses and they successfully build off of previous comments made by students. -Outside Information: The student brings in and discusses specific outside evidence that goes beyond the article or movie that is the launching point of the discussion. This can include articles, notes from documentaries, and notes over previous chapters, etc. The student interweaves the outside information seamlessly in their participation of the seminar.
Articles to Read To be determined
Socratic Seminar Discuss, do not debate Respect different thoughts and ideas Be courteous, Goal is the pursuit of deeper understanding by learning from each other Your goal is to understand the ideas, issues, concepts and values reflected in the text
When a question is asked. Write down the question. Hints When a question is asked. Write down the question. Build off others questions or response. Stay on topic and refer to the text during discussion Ask for clarification of both ideas and definitions
Process The groups will be picked at random to decide order, after 5 minutes of prep Each participant must ask 3 questions Each participant must respond 3 times. Each participant must cite textual evidence 3 times.
As a group please select 3 questions for a classroom discussion. Class discussion As a group please select 3 questions for a classroom discussion. Questions need to be asked by three different people Groups must respond to classroom questions
Post Seminar Reflection It is always important to reflect on different experiences we might have whether they be personal or in this case academic. Why reflect? Believe it or not, reflection leads to personal growth and professional growth Reflection Questions: If you had a preconceived opinion about the given topic, did your opinion change or did you gain a different perspective?
Make up Socratic seminar Those who did not have the opportunity to participate previously will have that opportunity today Entire class will either participate as active listeners or actual participants The Socratic seminar will be based on questions raised in article on our class web-site . All students are required to develop 6 open-ended question to include in their interactive notebook