09.05.2018 Ticket in the Door Write down your agenda D.E.A.R. 3 Agenda Ticket in the Door Interactive notebook Activity( user markers for labeling, pencil for writing rules.) Study for Unit 1 Quiz on Friday
1.Write the standard in the top margin of the interactive notebook. 7.N.S. Apply and extend previous understandings of operations with fractions to add, subtract, multiply and divide rational numbers
2. Fold construction paper about 1 2. Fold construction paper about 1.5 inches apart Staple construction paper into the interactive notebook under your standard. Label tabs addition, subtracting, multiplying and dividing.
1st Flap label Adding
2nd Flap label: Subtracting
3rd Flap label: Multiplying
4th Flap label: Dividing Keep, Change Flip for Fractions Same sign= positive quotient Different Sign= negative quotient
Bottom of interactive notebook page Write: Operations with Rational numbers