Electronics Project Capstone Professor Nick Reeder EGR 2278 Electronics Project Capstone Professor Nick Reeder Handouts: syllabus, Lab 1
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EGR 2278 Week 1 Introduction; Project Selection Draft of Project Proposal Form due next week. Handouts: syllabus, sample magazines, project notebooks. -Go over syllabus -Have them log on to website
The Main Component of this Course: Your Project! Select a project. Plan how to use resources available to you to complete the project successfully. Document your plan in the project proposal form. Build the project. Test it and debug it. Write final report and make final oral presentation with demo of your working project.
Supporting Topics That We’ll Cover Project management and Gantt charts. Printed-circuit-board (PCB) design and fabrication. Soldering. Project packaging. Troubleshooting techniques.
Additional Topics That We’ll Cover Along the Way Review of core EET curriculum—DC, AC, Digital, Electronic Devices, Microprocessors—to prepare for comprehensive assessment exam. Resume writing and using social media in your job search. Ethical and professional responsibilities.
Selecting Your Project Popular Categories: Power: power supplies, battery chargers, wind, solar Music: guitar tuners, amps, foot pedals Surveillance & security: remote sensing Vehicles: drones, RC cars, skateboards, robots Clocks & timers: alarm clocks, light timers, drag racing tree Games: pong, light saber
Selecting Your Project (Cont’d) Study these resources on the course’s Week 1 webpage: Preparing for Capstone Some Past Capstone Projects Complete List of Past Projects 1996-Present Ideas from Around the Web For more detail on past projects, see project binders and files on eetstu drive. The department also has copies of lots of old magazines with project ideas.
Other Resources At Your Disposal Facilities and Equipment: Soldering lab Darkroom for making printed circuit boards (PCBs) People: Professor Tillie Watts-Brown: soldering Kenzie Grogean: troubleshooting Don Peters: PCB fabrication Other Sinclair faculty.
Project Proposal By next week you must submit a first draft of the Project Proposal Form. Download the form (a Microsoft Word document) from the course’s Week 1 webpage. Also study the sample completed document on the same page. After you submit your draft, I’ll return comments. You must then revise and turn in your completed proposal.
Weekly Updates Starting in two weeks, you will also submit a weekly project log documenting your progress. And you’ll present a brief (3-to-5 minute) oral status report to the class. Keep everyone in the loop. Solicit help or ideas. Identify and deal with potential problems together. Practice oral presentation skills.
Project Management In most courses, the instructor has imposed a structure that keeps you on track. In this course, you’ll need to keep yourself on track. You’ll need to manage: Your time Parts and equipment The need for other people’s expertise
Project Management (Cont’d.) Starting in two weeks, you’ll create and maintain a detailed project schedule in the form of a Gantt chart. Wikipedia figure: You’ll use Microsoft Project to create and maintain your chart.
EET Assessment Exam S