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Young Objects
Greene 01
SINGLE SCATTERING, Wood et al. (1996) Scattering: Disks/Envelopes
SINGLE SCATTERING, Wood et al. (1996) no-null polarization perpendicular to disk (edge-on) null polarization (pole-on)
MULTIPLE SCATTERING, Bastien & Menard (1988) no-null polarization parallel to disk (edge-on)
MULTIPLE SCATTERING, Bastien & Menard (1988) no-null polarization parallel to disk
V1352 Aql (T Tau) 10 Hartigan et al Observed: 2005/jun/24, aperture: 1.25 P(H): [ ] %, PA: 124.9° Binary system PA axis outflow: 106° (Hartigan et al. 1983) HH: 32A, 32B, 32C and 32D PA P(H) ~ parallel to axis jet. As the jet is perpendicular to disk: PA P(H) ~ perpendicular to disk. Consistent with NIR pol. beeing produzed by SINGLE scattering in a optically THIN disk. H Jet
DG Tau (T Tau) [OI] continuum H Jet Lavalley et al. (1997) Observed: 2005/oct/12, aperture: 1.25 P(H): [ ] %, PA: 129.0° PA jet: 222° (Lavalley et al. 1997) PA P(H) is perpendicular to jet. As the jet is perpendicular to disk: PA P(H) is // disk. Consistent with NIR pol. beeing produzed by MULTIPLE scattering in a optically THICK disk.
Envelopes of Evolved Objects
PPN Hen Ueta et al. 00 HST,.55 m
Rodrigues et al. 03 PPN Hen LNA jun/05 PH (observed): ( ° (H)obs. // (optical)obs. Model Disk/Torus: Opt. : optic. thick NIR : optic. thin (λ > K)
Opportunity Targets (SNs, GRB)
Leonard 06 Asymmetries in SNs SN = unresolved source with electron-scattering atmosphere
SN2004bv (Ia) Pereyra & Magalhães 05
SN2004bv (Ia) Pereyra & Magalhães 05 SN: ( ° Foreground: ( ° R ~ 14.5
SN2005af (II) Pereyra & Magalhães 06
Carnegie Supernova Project site
Pereyra & Magalhães 06
Field stars: A: (0.58 ± 25° B: (0.06 ± 21° GRB Afterglow optical polarization: R ~ 16 (1.97 ± 0.48) 83° Magalhães et al Asymmetric collapse A B OT LNA 03/mar/31 (R) 16x16
Spectropolarimetry IAGPOL + EIFU
EIFU Lepine 00
EIFU 2D reconstructed image Extracted fibers (aperture: 2pix = 2) Sky Ordinary beam (O) Extraordinary beam (E) E O EIFU + IAGPOL: Data
RY Tau (T Tau) Gemini image
RY Tau (T Tau) Bastien 2007: (Halpha – I) image Axis Jet: ~ 115º
RY Tau (T Tau) (1.8 (11 3)° (binned)
Observed pol. ISP Intrinsic pol. Q U RY Tau (T Tau) Observed pol. (continuum): (1.8 (11 3)° ISP: 26° (Petrov et al. 99) Intrinsic pol.: ( ° Axis Jet: ~ 115º Probably, optically thin disk
(Q,U) Diagram: line polarization diagnostic A. Depolarization line: extended H source; ~ pol linear excursion in (Q,U) B. Position Angle flip compact H source; > pol loop in (Q,U) C. Null effect: circular geometry dot in (Q,U) C B A
RY Tau (T Tau) int = 0.5 tan -1 ( U/ Q) = (168 ± 11)° Q U Loop detected
Summary A competitive polarimetric facility is available at brazilian LNA site Projects of medium/long term as monitoring or surveys are (and will be) the main focus of attention Collaborations with projects in optical and NIR polarimetry (and also spectropolarimetry) are welcomed.