Graeme Ball VOS Program Manager, Australia Chairman, Ship Observations Team PMO-III, March 2006, Hamburg, Germany. PMO Support for the XBT SOOP
PMO-III, March 2006, Hamburg. 2 Specific Functions Collect paperwork and the diskettes of high-resolution delayed-mode profile data. View the XBT drops and provide immediate feedback. Resupply consumables: Probes; and Disks & paperwork. Perform a TEST drop.
PMO-III, March 2006, Hamburg. 3 Specific Functions Check the laptop computer: Date & time; Screen; Keyboard; and Hard disk. Check cables & launcher: Wear or damage; and Intermittent problems. Check transmitter.
PMO-III, March 2006, Hamburg. 4 Specific Functions Maintain & establish liaison with the crew: Early warning detection of route/crew changes. Confirm the understanding of the sampling instructions: Transect start & end points; Frequency of XBT drops; and Criteria for repeat drops. Provide training to new operators.
PMO-III, March 2006, Hamburg. 5 Specific Functions Provide QC feedback to the operators: Compliment on the good drops & any repeat drops; and Advise when repeat drops should have been performed.
PMO-III, March 2006, Hamburg. 6