6 Elements of a Marketing Plan I. Executive Summary II. Situation Analysis A. SWOT Analysis B. Environmental Scan (PEST and Market Analysis- Micro/Macro/Customers/Competitors/Industry) III. Objectives (make them single-minded and S.M.A.R.T. goals) A. Company’s Mission B. Marketing Objectives (ex: What market share do you want to achieve?) C. Financial Objectives IV. Marketing Strategies A. Positioning and Points of Difference (quality, non-gmo, creative, patented) B. Marketing Mix (the 4 P’s – Product, Price, Promotion, Place) V. Implementation A. Organization B. Activities and Responsibilities C. Timetables VI. Evaluation and Controls A. Performance Standards & Measurements (Mktg & Fin. Obj./Mix strategies including sales forecasts) B. Corrective Actions