Commercial Data Processing Computer Crime
Computer crime can be very hard to prevent. Typical crimes involve destroying, corrupting or changing the data files. Computer fraud is sometimes used to steal money. Two common ways of interfering with data: Hacking and Computer Viruses.
Hacking Hacking is gaining access to a computer system, usually illegally, and interfering with the data on it. Can be done remotely using a modem. Can lead to prosecution if you are caught. Can be made more difficult by changing passwords regularly, and keeping them secure.
Computer Viruses A virus is a rogue program that someone has deliberately created. Invisible to the computer until it passes into memory. Reproduces itself on all software being used. Can be detected and eradicated.
Viruses Continued Some viruses are relatively harmless. An example would be a virus which displays Happy New Year on the screen on the 1st of January. Others are more destructive. These may overwrite all the data on a system with rubbish. Can be passed on through disks/networks.
Data Protection Act Introduced in 1987, revamped in Allows you to: Check if any organisation keeps information about you on computer to see a copy of this personal data These are called subject access rights because people about whom information is held are called data subjects.
Data Protection Act The person or organisation holding the data is called a data user. Data users must: obtain and process the information fairly and lawfully. register the purposes for which they hold it. not use or disclose the information in a way contrary to these purposes. hold only information which is adequate, relevant, and not excessive for the purposes.
Data Protection Act As well as the above, data users must also: hold only accurate information, and, where necessary, keep it up to date. not keep the information any longer than is necessary. Give individuals access to information about themselves, and, where appropriate, correct or erase the information. Take appropriate security measures.
Computer Misuse Act (1990) Before 1990, the only criminal offence being committed by someone breaking into a computer system was theft of electricity. The Computer Misuse Act makes hacking and computer fraud illegal.
Computer Misuse Act (1990) A person is guilty of an offence if: he causes a computer to perform any function with intent to secure access to any program or data held in any computer; The access he intends to secure is unauthorised; he knows at the time that he causes the function that that is the case.