The origin nuclear X-ray emission in the nuclei of radio galaxy-FR Is


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Presentation transcript:

The origin nuclear X-ray emission in the nuclei of radio galaxy-FR Is Wu Qing-wen Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, China Collaborators: Yuan Feng (SHAO), Cao Xinwu (SHAO)

Contents Brief review of FR I/FR II and its central engine Sample Coupled Accretion-jet model Spectral fitting results Conclusion and discussion

(1) Active Galactic Nuclei QSO/Sefert etc Disk Diminated RQ AGN RL FR I/FR II/BL Lac etc Jet Diminated? Spectrum: RL RQ OVV/BL Lac

FR I and FR II Radio power and Morphology FRI FRII Hotspot Core Jet Lobe Hotspot Low-power (FR I) High-power (FRII)

Optical Jet M 87 3C 78 3C 31

X-ray Jet Chandra can resolve kpc-scale jet in neary RL AGNs FR Is: X-ray/optical jet is synchrotron in nature (Worrall et al. 2001) FR IIs: X-ray/optical jet is inverse Compton (Sambrana et al. 2004)

The Fanaroff-Riley Dichotomy Environmental? Interaction of the jet with ambient medium either causes the jet to decelerate (FRI) or propagate supersonically to large distances (FRII) Intrinsic? Properties of the central engine govern large-scale morphology (FRI/FRII)

Central engine of RL AGNs LX Low state High state Nature of accretion process: FR II: High power--SSD? FR I : Low power –ADAF? Accretion mode is changed at . . FR Is are almost entirely low-excitation ---maybe suggest ADAF Esin et al. 1997 Accretion flow · mcrit Jet · mcrit m

The multi-wavelength emission in FR Is The nuclear emission (X-ray/optical) is dominated by: The parsec-scale jet? or Accretion flow SSD+ corona (High power-FR II?) ADAF (Low power--FR I?) Multi-wavelength nuclear emission is correlated.

Luminosity-luminosity correlation Radio emission, optical and soft X-ray core emission We know that radio core emission is come from the jet! Optical and X-ray emission: same origin from the jet? or Disk-jet relation?

Evidence for jet dominated optical emission in FR Is Dual population for LLAGNs and FR Is LLAGNs: Seyfert/LINERs Macchetto et al. 2006 Optical core emission show strong polarization Synchrotron Jet emission Disk dominated Jet dominated?

Origin of the X-ray emission in FR Is It is an open question: Jet dominated (Falcke et al. 2004) luminosity-luminosity relation--Pure jet emission Accretion dominated (Merloni et al. 2003) luminosity-luminosity relation---Disk-jet relation Goal of this work: try to test the X-ray origin in FR Is with coupled accretion-jet model and explore the possible relation between BH accretion and the circumstances near the BH.

(2) Sample The sample include 8 FR Is with estimated black hole mass and Bondi accretion rate, radio(VLA), optical(HST) and X-ray(Chandra) nuclei emission. We also find the other band high resolution emission data, e.g., submillimetre, infrared, UV, from the literature. The X-ray luminosity is 10-8 -10-4 Eddington luminosity.

(3) Coupled accretion-jet model Advection dominated accretion flow (ADAF) Mdot=Mdotout (R/Rout)pw ; beta=Pm/(Pg+Pm) Jet model: internal shock scenario shock in the disk part of material transferred into jet Jet: half open angle ; bulk lorentz factor ;part of the material ( ) is accelerated into power-law distribution with index P; describe the energy density of accelerated electrons and amplified magnetic field.

(4) Spectral fitting results From introduction, we know that the radio and optical core emission is dominated by jet, so we can constraint the jet model with these two band observation and to see the jet contribution at the X-ray band, then combine ADAF model to give the best fittings.

ADAF dominated Jet dominated (1) 3C 346 :i~320 ,v>0.8c (2)B2 0755+37 : i~300 ,v~0.9c (Cotton et al. 1995) (Bondi et al. 2000) ADAF dominated Jet dominated

ADAF dominated,but jet contribute at a similar level ! (3)3C 31 : i~520 ,v~0.87c (4)3C 317 : i~500 ,v~0.9c ADAF dominated,but jet contribute at a similar level !

(5)B2 0055+30 : i~380,v~0.9c (6)3C 66B : i~450 ,v~0.9c ADAF dominated Jet dominated

contribute at similar level) (7)3C 449 : i~82.50 ,v~0.9c (8)3C 272.1 : i~630 ,v~0.9c Jet dominated (or jet and ADAF Jet dominated contribute at similar level)

(5) Discussion (1) X-ray origin in FR Is High Eddington ratio----ADAF dominated Intermediate Eddington ratio----ADAF and jet (similar level) Low Eddington ratio----Jet dominated The critical Eddington ratio is around Lx/LEdd~several*106

· · NGC 4261 (Gliozzi 2003) ;NGC 3998 (Ptak 2004) This conclusion is similar to other LLAGNs : ADAF dominated for higher Eddington ratios NGC 4261 (Gliozzi 2003) ;NGC 3998 (Ptak 2004) Jet dominated for lower Eddington ratios NGC 821 (Pellegrini 2007);IC 1459 (Fabbiano 2003) ; NGC 4594 (Pellegrini 2003) ;M31 (Garcia 2005) It is also consistent with Yuan & Cui (2005)’s prediction, based on “Fundamental plane”. Physical reason: LxADAF proportion to m2 LxJet proportion to m · ·

(2) BH accretion and its circumstance Four of five sources (3C 346, 3C 31, 3C449, 3C 317) have BH accretion rates larger than their Bondi accretion rates by factors of 9, 18,112,1.1, respectively. So, the other fuel supply, e.g. gas released by the stellar population, in the Bondi radius should be important, especially when considering angular momentum, !

(3) Accretion power and jet power Define to describe the efficiency of jet power converted from the accretion power, where jet kinetic luminosity is . BH spin rapidly and most of the accretion power is converted to jet power in these FR Is!

(6) Conclusion The origin of the X-ray in FR Is can come from ADAF, jet or both, which depend on the Lx/LEdd ratio, anyway, the jet contribution at soft X-ray band is important. Other fuel supply (e.g.,stellar winds) in the Bondi radius should be important for BH accretion. BH is rapidly spin in FR Is and most of the accretion power is converted into jet.

Many thanks for discussions!