Senior English 3/13/17 As parents, why is it important for Gertrude and Claudius to know the source of Hamlet’s behavior? As king, why does Claudius.


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Presentation transcript:

Senior English 3/13/17 As parents, why is it important for Gertrude and Claudius to know the source of Hamlet’s behavior? As king, why does Claudius need to know? What do you get when you cross a skin doctor and an elephant? Katzenjammer – literally, a cat’s howling. Also a synonym for a hangover. Goals – Watch scene 2 of act two. Respond to questions on handout. Discuss the significance of the scene. Homework – Don’t forget to study for vocab. 22. Complete handout if you haven’t yet done so. A pachydermatologist

Senior English 3/14/17 Do you think the play will show Claudius to be guilty? What would you expect to see to convince you of his guilt? How can you tell an English teacher has been using the computer? Tacnuk – tactical nuclear weapon. Goals – See and analyze the play in act 3. Homework – Complete any written work that you did not complete in class. White out on the screen.

Senior English 3/15/17 How has Hamlet changed since he became certain that his Uncle killed his father? Why don’t blind people sky dive? Absquatulate – to leave hurriedly and stealthily. Goals – Watch and discuss video. Homework – None. It scares the heck out of the dog.

Senior English 3/16/17 Gear up, Focus Activity. If you were a young man or woman going back to college, what advice would you give to your teenage sister about boys and dating? What did the rug say to the floor? Bicipital – having two heads. Goals – None. Homework – None. Don’t move, I’ve got you covered.

Senior English 3/17/17 Gear-up, Focus Activity. What is the difference between a dead dog in the road and a dead English teacher in the road? Sciamachy – fighting an imaginary enemy; combat with shadow. Goals – None. Homework – None. Skid marks in front of the dog.