Capitulo 4 Leccion B Por Bianca Garcia
Special Endings isimo/a Adding an ending to an adjective or noun can have special significance in Spanish. When using very, most or extremely with an adjective in English, the ending isimo is often added. Some variations are –isima, -isimos and –isimas. For adjectives that end in a vowel, the appropriate –isimo ending usually replaces the final vowel. ito/ita Another ending to add to a noun to show affection or indicate that someone or something is small, is – ito/a. These endings are the most common. These endings must match the gender and number of the noun.
Continued Examples of –ísimo/a: Ése es un león grande That is a big lion. Ése es un león grandísimo That is a very big lion. Examples of –ito/a: -ito: oso osito -cito: león leoncito