Optical SETI Comes of Age H. Paul Shuch, Ph.D. Executive Director The SETI League, Inc.
Galileo: First Optical SETIzen?
Percival Lowell Practices Optical SETI
Jody Foster Practices Optical SETI
Microwave: The Dominant Paradigm
The Damning Evidence
USAF Beamed Energy Weapon Airborne Laser Housed in a 747 1 MegaWatt CW 1600 nm IR
OSETI’s Moses
OSETI’s Joshua
Prophets of the Planets
Searching for Friendly Shores
An Optical Arecibo
A Microwave Meade
Standard System Needed
Lessons Learned: Start Small Be Persistent Pioneers end up with arrows in their backs!
How To Reach Us www.setileague.org info@setileague.org 1 (800) TAU-SETI