Quantitative Precipitation Forecasting in Tropical Cyclones Shuyi S. Chen Manuel Lonfat, Joseph Tenerelli, Frank Marks Robert Rogers, Fiona Horsfall Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science University of Miami NOAA/AOML/HRD NOAA/NWS/TPC
Factors that Influence TC Rainfall Intensity Shear Landmass/Topography TC/Synoptic System Interaction Translation speed Moisture advection Microphysics/Aerosol Surface Flux
HRD/AOML P3 LF REFLECTIVITY 2030 UTC 14 SEP 1999 2300 UTC 13 SEP 1999
Sensitivity to Model Grid Resolution
15 km 1.67 km
Influence of Vertical Shear and Synoptic Weather Systems
Hurricane Floyd (1999)
Hurricane Bonnie (1998)
Quantitative Precipitation Estimates from TRMM TMI/PR
Hurricane Floyd (1999)
TRMM/TMI Azimuthal Averages (1998-2000) R (mm/hr)
TMI PDF of R 90% or 50%
Measures of R PDF R-CLIPER uses mean from PDF - not best measure of PDF (log-normal) - shows intensity influence Other measures are the median of the PDF (area and flux). Area shows intensity influence, but flux does not, except in the inner core.
TC QPF Questions What characteristic of PDF of R are we trying to predict, i.e., mean R, Rmax, etc.? What is best measure of PDF of R to use to answer the question, i.e., mean, median, 90% of PDF? How do we develop a evaluation/validation system for high-resolution QPF product? How will it be used operationally, perhaps a combination of deterministic and probabilistic measure that takes into account of track errors?