A balanced approach to literacy K – 5 ELA “Nuts and Bolts” A balanced approach to literacy
Daily Schedule Time K – 1 Reading/Daily 5 (150 minutes total) K – 1 Writing (30 minutes total) 2 – 3 Reading/Daily 5 (135 minutes total) 2 – 3 Writing (30 minutes total) 4 – 5 Reading/Daily 5 (130 minutes total) 4 – 5 Writing (45 minutes total)
Daily Schedule Continued K – 1 (3 mini lessons each followed by a Daily 5 rotation and based on county pacing guide). 2 – 3 ( 2 mini lessons each followed by a Daily 5 rotation and based on county pacing guide). 4 – 5 (2 mini lessons each followed by a Daily 5 rotation and based on county pacing guide). Writing instruction should occur daily and should consist of a mini lesson and work time.
Classroom Structure Mentor texts should be available for whole group mini lesson instruction. Bag books should be visible and available to all students. There are designated areas / stations for individual, pair, and whole group work. Classroom library is plentiful, organized, and easily available to students according to level and genre. I-charts and anchor charts are visible and referred to by teacher and or student. A whole-class gathering place is visible and evident.
Teacher Behaviors 2 – 3 mini lessons (depending on grade level) based on common core objective or reading strategy. Conferring with students about individual goals and progress, providing specific feedback. Guided reading or strategy group being taught with a clearly stated and restated objective. mCLASS data is used to group students.
Student Behaviors Students are reading to self. Students are working on writing. Students are reading to someone. Students are listening to reading. Students are working on word work. Students are engaged in authentic communication about text. Students are collaborating on an individual or group assignment.
Resources CMAPP Daily Café Implementation Guide Walkthrough Checklist Look for’s document