Reflexive verbs and demonstrative adjectives By: Colby Erler, Chad Flood and Tyler Narsingh
Familiarizing Some verbs in Spanish have “se” attached to the end of the infinitive. The “se” is a reflexive pronoun and the verb is called a reflexive verb.
Continued Reflexive verbs are conjugated the same as non-reflexive verbs; however, they are used with a corresponding reflexive pronoun, which may precede a verb or be attached to the end of an infinitive or a present participle
The preterite tense of reflexive verbs They require an appropriate reflexive pronoun Examples: Me bane. ( I took a bath) Ella se vistio. (she got dressed)
Demonstrative Adjectives They indicate where someone or something is located in relation to the speaker. These include este, esta, estos, estas, ese esos, esas, aquel, aquella, aquellos, and aquellas.
Examples: No me gusta este jabon. (I do not like this soap) Tampoco me gusta ese jabon (I do not like that soap either) Prefiero aquel jabon (I prefer that soap over there)
Demonstative adjectives can become pronouns when they are used with a written accent mark and take the place of a noun. singular plural masculino femenino Masculino éste ésta éstos éstas ése ésa ésos ésas Aquél Aquélla Aquéllos aquéllas
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