Writing Analysis ----the modified “chunk”
First, analyze the prompt How many pieces are there to the prompt? What are the key words? If so, what do you know about it? Answer the question in your head. Then, prepare to PROVE IT!
Write a topic sentence Include the key words from the prompt Throw back the prompt-----answer the question directly and thoroughly
Give a Concrete Detail Tell a fact that proves the point you just made in your topic sentence Make sure that it is something you can back up with proof
Add Your Commentary Commentary is your reasoning Tell why the concrete detail you just mentioned proves the point from your topic sentence Don’t just assume that everyone agrees with your concrete detail! Give them a reason to agree with you!
Give a second concrete detail and back it up with its own commentary You may be asked to give a second concrete detail to prove the point you made in your topic sentence If you use a second concrete detail, you must also back it up with commentary----give your reasoning why the concrete detail proves your point
Write a Strong Conclusion Remind your reader about why your opinion on the topic is right Be firm, stand strong! Be creative, but don’t go overboard!
Revise Your Paragraph Look at the paragraph as a whole. Did you offer a clear topic sentence what answered the prompt completely? Did you have 2 concrete details that are actual facts from the book? Does each concrete detail have a commentary sentence where you told us why you think it proves the point in your topic sentence?
Edit Your Sentences Look at each individual sentence: Does each one start with a capital letter, end with the proper punctuation mark, and contain a COMPLETE THOUGT? Did you check to see if your subjects and verbs agree with each other? Did you spell words correctly (look it up, dear!) Do you have commas where they should be?
Rewrite It! Now that you have marked it up with revisions and editing, you must carefully rewrite the paragraph in your BEST handwriting without any mistakes!