FY15-16 Budget Request & Monitoring Training


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Presentation transcript:

FY15-16 Budget Request & Monitoring Training Arlitha Harmon Director of Finance and Administrative Services November 14, 2014

Agenda Budget Monitoring Budget Requests Annual Program Review Update & Budget Worksheet Additional Instructional Materials Funding Budget Ranking Rubric Request For One Time Funds

Budget Monitoring How do I login? Internet Address https://banweb.kccd.edu/prod/twbkwbis.P_WWWLogin User ID: Employee ID (@00123456) Password: Same as Outlook Click the Finance Tab Select Budget Queries

Entering a Query

Report Parameters What do I select? Fiscal Year: 20xx Fiscal Period: 15 Select FOAPAL

Report Analysis

Comparison Report Parameters What do I select? Fiscal Year: 20xy Prior Fiscal Year: 20xx Fiscal Period: 15 Select FOAPAL

Comparison Report Analysis

FY15-16 Annual Budget Requests Budget managers receive the worksheets with the previous three years budget information provided. Budget managers use the worksheets and program review update forms to plan their individual budgets. In developing their individual budgets, budget managers have the ability to update their Program Review if necessary. Budget managers prioritize budget requests with justifications and must link budget requests to their Program Review Goals as well as to one or more of the California core mission areas and one or more of the goals in the Strategic Plan. The annual program review update and budget worksheets are then submitted to the appropriate administrator for discussion before being submitted to the budget committee

Annual Program Review Update & Budget Worksheet Budget Requests Annual Program Review Update & Budget Worksheet Links budget with the California Community College's Core Mission, Porterville College Mission Statement and Strategic Plans (Planning Links). CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGE'S CORE MISSION 1 Core Transfer (credits transferable and directly applicable/credits toward a degree at CSU/UC) 2 Career and Technical Education 3 Basic Skills PORTERVILLE COLLEGE MISSION STATEMENT In support of our values and philosophy, Porterville College will: 1 Provide quality academic programs to all students who are capable of benefiting from community college instruction. 2 Provide comprehensive support services to help students achieve their personal, vocational and academic potential. 3 Prepare students for transfer and success at four-year institutions. 4 Provide courses and training to prepare students for employment or to enhance skills within their current careers. 5 Provide developmental education to students who need to enhance their knowledge and understanding of basic skills. 6 Recognize student achievement through awarding degrees, certificates, grants, and scholarships. PORTERVILLE COLLEGE STRATEGIC PLANS Goal 1 – Identify, apply, and assess best practices for student success Goal 2 – Maintain a comprehensive, collaborative, and positive learning environment Goal 3 – Provide professional and leadership development opportunities Goal 4 – Maximize financial resources Goal 5 – Strengthen collaborative partnerships with our communities

Definition of Sustainability at Porterville College Budget Requests Definition of Sustainability at Porterville College Sustainability is the capacity to endure. In ecology, the word describes how biological systems remain diverse and productive over time. Similarly, at Porterville College the word describes how the campus can remain diverse and productive over time in the provision of its instructional and support services to students. Sustainability encompasses the following ideals that reflect the general concepts of the college Mission Statement:         * Provide an adequate diversity of courses that meet the goals of the KCCD Board of Trustees of focusing course offerings in basic skills, transfer, and career and technical education.          * Provide a variety of support services to students that will assist them in their matriculation onto the campus, their retention while enrolled, and their certificate completion, graduation, or transfer.         * Provide administrative and auxiliary support to ensure the proper functions of the institution, and an adequate budget to meet sustainable levels of service, technology, and staff support.

Budget Requests Each Org Code will have a separate tab in numerical order across the bottom of the worksheet.  Budget managers will use this form to request budget dollars for temporary labor & benefits and any discretionary expenditures (4000, 5000, or 6000), each of which have a separate section as you scroll down the rows of the spreadsheet.  In January and February the budget requests are reviewed and prioritized by use of a budget rubric that ranks new initiatives based on four categories: student-success orientation, link to college planning, cost benefit, and extent to which proposal is data-driven

Budget Ranking Rubric CATEGORY Zero (0) Low (1) Medium (2) High (3) A. Aligned with Core Mission & Strategic Plan Goals CA Community College Core Mission PC Mission Statement PC Strategic Goals DO Mission Statement No demonstrated alignment with Institutional Goals Demonstrates alignment with either Core Mission, Mission Statement, or Strategic Goals Demonstrates alignment with Core Mission, or Mission Statement, and/or Strategic Goals Demonstrates alignment with Core Mission, Mission Statement, and Strategic Goals B.Integrated with Planning Goals Program Reviews Master Plans Committee Priorities http://www.portervillecollege.edu/Research/Planning%20Documents.htm No demonstrated integration with Program Review or Master Plan Demonstrates integration with Program Review or Master Plan Demonstrates integration with Program Review and Master Plan Demonstrates integration with Program Review and Master Plan. Addresses committee priorities. C.Student Success Oriented (i.e. Learning Achievement Outcomes) Student Learning Outcomes Program Learning Outcomes Service Area Outcomes http://www.portervillecollege.edu/Research/Program%20Review.htm No linkage to student success Negligible linkage to student success Moderate linkage to student success Strongly linked to student success D.Cost/Benefit (e.g., many students positively affected using low-cost approach) N/A Low value compared to cost Medium value compared to cost High value compared to cost E.Data Based Rationale Key Performance indicators No data rationale Little data suggesting the need for or feasibility of the allocation Some data suggesting the need for or feasibility of the allocation Various data sources suggesting the need for or feasibility of the allocation F.Measurable Outcomes – Does the budget request support the estimated outcome?   No demonstrated measureable outcome goal Documented measureable outcome goal Documented project measureable outcome goal tied to SLO Documented measureable outcome goal tied to SLO and performance indicators G.Health and Safety No concern for health and safety Low concerns for health or safety Medium concerns for health or safety High concerns for health or safety Add by Column, Then Insert Total Score Here: (If N/A exclude pts from total)

Budget Approval The Budget Committee completes its sustainability review and may invite budget managers to meet with the committee for question and answer sessions. In March, the Budget Committee holds an informational Open Forum to present budget priorities and receive campus feedback. In April, the Budget Committee submits the tentative budget to the College Learning Council and alerts budget managers as to what requests will be funded. In May, the CLC recommends approval of the tentative budget to the College President who finalizes the budget proposal and submits it to the Board of Trustees. In June the Board of Trustees adopts the tentative budget.

One Time Fund Request Used for requests not include in the annual budget process or CCCCO Instructional Equipment Requests