Right and Wrong Learning Objective: How do we know what is right and wrong? I can explain why I personally think actions are right or wrong. I can explain how religious believers know what is right and wrong. I can evaluate whether we should follow our conscience or the law.
Illegal but sometimes acceptable Right or Wrong? Where do you think these actions should go on our quadrant? Wrong but not illegal Wrong and illegal Illegal but sometimes acceptable Give out the action cards to different tables and get them to decide where they want to place it on the quadrant. Discuss these as a class. Students could agree or disagree. Try to prompt with ‘what if’ style questions to get students to extend their thinking e.g. what if someone was speeding because they were driving an ambulance, what if someone killed someone because they are a solider, what if someone was stealing to feed their family, what is someone was lying to protect themselves or others? Acceptable
How do we know what is right or wrong? How do you make your moral choices? How do you know what is right or wrong? Link to conscience, laws, religious moral laws.
Right and Wrong Learning Objective: How do we know what is right and wrong? I can explain why I personally think actions are right or wrong. I can explain how religious believers know what is right and wrong. I can evaluate whether we should follow our conscience or the law.
Religious Moral Laws How do religious believers know what is right and wrong? Read through the 10 Commandments. Tick if you think they are a legal law Tick if you personally think they are morally wrong
How do religious believers know what is right and wrong? Religious Moral Laws How do religious believers know what is right and wrong? Introduce the quote from the New Testament (Romans) which says that we should obey the laws of the land. Follow on by watching David Cameron’s easter message where he speaks of religion helping people to have a moral code. Draw out from this that many of the laws we have today are rooted in religious law. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G1qo1gd4klc
Right and Wrong Learning Objective: How do we know what is right and wrong? I can explain why I personally think actions are right or wrong. I can explain how religious believers know what is right and wrong. I can evaluate whether we should follow our conscience or the law.
Should the law be more important than your conscience? Law or Conscience? Should the law be more important than your conscience? If time, students can write a written reflection in their books and you can discuss as a class.
Right and Wrong Learning Objective: How do we know what is right and wrong? I can explain why I personally think actions are right or wrong. I can explain how religious believers know what is right and wrong. I can evaluate whether we should follow our conscience or the law.