Performance Tracking & Cost Schedule Integration SSI Tools Performance Tracking & Cost Schedule Integration Toolset
SSI Tools: Performance Tracking & Cost Schedule Integration Tools Tool Tab Slide Install Application & Overview 3 Status Tools 5 Cost Schedule Integration 10 Milestone Weight Calculation 16 Schedule Integrity and Performance Analysis 18 Calendar and Resource Deployment 21 Adjust Task End Date 24 Schedule Variance Analysis Tools 25
SSI Tools: Performance Tracking & Cost Schedule Integration Tools Overview of Performance Tracking & Cost Schedule Integration Tool The Custom desktop tools for Microsoft Project utilize special forms and procedures developed in Visual Basic for MS Project. To run the application, Press the Start/All Programs/SSI Tools/Install SSI Tools menu. The Cost Schedule Integration Tools are as follows from left to right: Status Tools Cost Schedule Integration Milestone Weight Calculation Schedule Integrity and Performance Analysis Calendar and Resource Deployment Adjust Task End Date Schedule Variance Tools Help
SSI Tools: Performance Tracking & Cost Schedule Integration Tools Overview of Performance Tracking & Cost Schedule Integration Tool The SSI Performance Tracking & Cost Schedule Integration Toolset helps you manage task performance and remaining work assignments. The toolset also integrates Microsoft Project data with Planview MPM, a leading Earned Value Management System (EVMS). More help, tutorials and support options can be found at
SSI Tools: Performance Tracking & Cost Schedule Integration Tools The SSI Status Tools “Task Tracking” window is launched once selecting this button and is used to enter the progress of individual tasks. The tool enforces certain rules and best-known practices for updating task status in a project. Additionally, the tool calculates percent complete for an in-progress task based on the actual start date and the predicted finish date relative to the project’s status date, not vice-versa. The following are rules and conventions that are observed by the status tool: Finished work is always shown in the past (to the left of the status date) Unfinished work is always shown in the future (to the right of the status date) If you attempt to post status without entering a project status date, a prompt reminds you to do so. Once you enter a status date for your project a red vertical line on the status date will be drawn in the Gantt chart If you enter an actual date that is later than the project status date, you are prompted to use the date as a predicted date or pick an actual date that is prior to the status date. If you enter a predicted date that is prior to the status date, you are prompted to either make it an actual date or pick a later predicted date. The percent complete of an in-progress task is determined by comparing actual start and predicted finish dates to the project status date. The formula used to calculate task percent complete is (1 – (Remaining Duration/Actual Duration + Remaining Duration)). Where Actual Duration equals the number of working days between the actual start date and the project status date, and Remaining Duration equals the number of working days between the status date and the predicted finish date. SSI Status Tools Overview
SSI Tools: Performance Tracking & Cost Schedule Integration Tools SSI Status Tools Key Features See Baseline Dates (Baseline or Baseline 1 – 10) and Interim Plan Dates (Start/Finish 1 – 10) as you post status to the current task. Stop light in the upper right corner quickly let you know if you need to Stop (red), for tasks that are in progress or behind the status date, Go (green) past a task that is already marked complete or pause (yellow) for tasks ahead of the status date Calculate remaining resource values based on the Task Timeline % complete or the Work Perf %
SSI Tools: Performance Tracking & Cost Schedule Integration Tools SSI Status Tools:Task Start/Finish & Rem Res Tab 2 3 4 1 Step 1: Enter Actual Start & Finish Dates or move the Current Start & Finish past the Project Status Date Step 2: Enter Work Performed % Cmp Step 3: Click Post Dates Step 4: Auto Post New Remaining Resource Values or Enter Rem. Work or Cost one resource at a time
SSI Tools: Performance Tracking & Cost Schedule Integration Tools SSI Status Tools: Setup and Preferences Tab Overview In this tab you can control the calculation of remaining resources when you status. The calculated values can be posted automatically to an in progress task or displayed in the resource assignment table for you to review before posting.
SSI Tools: Performance Tracking & Cost Schedule Integration Tools SSI Status Tools: Setup and Preferences Tab 2 3 4 1 Step 1: Choose one of the three methods for auto calculating remaining work or cost when a task is in progress. Step 2: Select this checkbox to Automatically post Remaining Resource values to in progress tasks or leave alone to calculate values for your review before posting Step 3: Choose Baseline Reference and Interim Plan from Baseline, Baseline 1-10 and Start/Finish 1-10 Step 4: Use if you need to change the field for BCWP the default and recommended field is Physical % comp.
SSI Tools: Performance Tracking & Cost Schedule Integration Tools Overview The SSI Cost Schedule Integration tool produces what are known as “Bridge” files by fiscal month for time phased resource assignments by WBS, Resource and Department. Create a “bridge” for task and resource baselines (BCWS), task performance; earned value (BCWP), and resource estimates to complete (ETC) to import into Planview MPM, a popular Earned Value Management System
SSI Tools: Performance Tracking & Cost Schedule Integration Tools Cost Schedule Integration: Run SC/SI Tab 2 3 4 1 5 Note Step 1: Enter or Verify the Project Status Date. Double click this field to select date Step 2: Select your “task” and “estimates” options Step 3: Select both of these for adding new work elements such as a BCR or additional Baseline Plan Step 4: Select one of these for Estimates file Step 5: Select both of these to update for a reporting cycle Step 6: Select to generate “Bridge” Files to the desired location. Note: All checked items must have a destination file or they will default to your desktop. Choose destination by selecting the box.
SSI Tools: Performance Tracking & Cost Schedule Integration Tools Cost Schedule Integration: Setup Tab 2 1 3 The “Setup” tab is used to map fields in Microsoft Project into fields in MPM. Setup is done prior to generating bridge files Step 1: Choose what MPM version you plan to import files into Step 2: Choose the project task or resource fields you plan to pull information from for each applicable option Step 3: Choose the estimate type for Non-labor (Material, ODC, Travel etc.)
SSI Tools: Performance Tracking & Cost Schedule Integration Tools Cost Schedule Integration: Options Setup Tab 2 3 1 The Optional Setup tab allows you to enter/map additional key EVMS data in Microsoft Project without the need to re-key the same data in MPM. Step 1: Select additional data from various MS Project fields to map to MPM (default option is “none”) Step 2. Select override burden templates or rate tables (default option is “none”) Step 3. Assign custom Milestone IDs by choosing the applicable field containing the value
SSI Tools: Performance Tracking & Cost Schedule Integration Tools Cost Schedule Integration: Fiscal Calendar Tab The Fiscal Calendar Tab allows you to point to the fiscal calendar to bridge “Time Phased” resource Baseline (BCWS) or Estimates to Complete (ETC) using your company specific Fiscal Calendar. This is typically a one time set-up. Note: If the one time setup has not been completed for you company, simply setup the fiscal month start and end dates using a Microsoft Access user form provided with the SSI Tool installation.
SSI Tools: Performance Tracking & Cost Schedule Integration Tools More on the Cost Schedule Integration Tool The Cost Schedule Integration Tool provides identical time phasing of resource assignments from MS Project into MPM. Supports work “contouring” in MS Project. Uses your company’s Fiscal Calendar for time phasing. Via the Many-to-One technique, Managers can plan at a “sub-work package” level of detail yet control (formally) at a higher “control account level”. Task Hierarchy (tasks and summaries) in MS Project do not need to mirror the Work Breakdown Structure in MPM.
SSI Tools: Performance Tracking & Cost Schedule Integration Tools Milestone Weight Calculation Tool Overview Allows you to specify how the weight of Earned Value Milestones are determined. You can base your milestone weight for Earned Value Calculation on task Cost, Work or Duration. You can even override calculated weights simply by editing calculated values in the Number Field that stores the weight.
SSI Tools: Performance Tracking & Cost Schedule Integration Tools Milestone Weight Calculation Tool 2 3 1 4 5 Step 1: Select the text field where your milestone element type is coded. Default is text 2 since this is the SSI recommended field. Step 2: Select the field where the weight is to be recorded Step 3: Check All or Selected Tasks Step 4: Select the value you would like to use to weigh your milestones and Step 5: Select OK. Note: Ensure the milestone element type is coded P for Milestone weights with % complete and 8 for 0/100 milestone weights. The default is text 2 since this is the SSI recommended field.
SSI Tools: Performance Tracking & Cost Schedule Integration Tools Schedule Integrity and Performance Analysis Tool Overview The SSI Schedule Integrity and Performance Analysis Tool provides several tests to identify potential performance and integrity issues each time you complete a performance cycle. It allows you to find & resolve issues before delivering a possible flawed plan to your customer or manager.
SSI Tools: Performance Tracking & Cost Schedule Integration Tools Schedule Integrity and Performance Analysis Tool Integrity Checks 1 2 3 Step 1: Select the applicable integrity check from the list Step 2: Select Run Selected Check. Results will be displayed in the window. Step 3: Select to filter the schedule on all applicable tasks with issues
SSI Tools: Performance Tracking & Cost Schedule Integration Tools Schedule Integrity and Performance Analysis Tool Integrity Checks Schedule Integrity and Performance Analysis Tool Step 1: To run “quick stats” on your schedule select the “Get Quick Stats” button to open quick stats portion of the tool Step 2: Select Run Quick Stats for results Note: The “Get Quick Stats” button changes to “Hide Quick Stats” once chosen 1 After 2
SSI Tools: Performance Tracking & Cost Schedule Integration Tools Calendar and Resource Deployment Tool Overview The “Calendar and Resource Deployment Tool” ensures consistency across your planning teams by maintaining common calendar and resource table templates that are easily accessible to your team. Deploy the templates to active projects by browsing to the template file and merging standards into your project.
SSI Tools: Performance Tracking & Cost Schedule Integration Tools Calendar and Resource Deployment Tool: Merge Calendars Tab 1 2 Step 1: Browse to the applicable calendar for your company/project Step 2: Select the Merge Cals button
SSI Tools: Performance Tracking & Cost Schedule Integration Tools Calendar and Resource Deployment Tool: Merge Resources Tab 1 2 Step 1: Browse to the applicable calendar for your company/project Step 2: Select the Merge Res button
SSI Tools: Performance Tracking & Cost Schedule Integration Tools Adjust Task End Date Use this tool to easily calculate the duration necessary to reach a desired task end date. Simply select the end date and the utility will update the duration and Gantt view
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