Jaarconferentie Vlaams-Nederlandse Delta SS Rotterdam 7 November 2018
Het belang van TEN-T Désirée Oen Policy Coordinator DG MOVE- European Commisison 7 November 2018
Trans European Network for transport - TEN-T Objective: to connect Europe from north to south, from east to west. A network with 9 corridors - the core tool to: connect people; boost economic development, jobs and growth, social and territorial cohesion, and citizens' mobility. After 20 years of EU transport infrastructure policy, a new policy – the revised TEN-T guidelines – entered into force in December 2013.
From Patchwork to Network
From Patchwork to Network
TEN-T Core Network Corridors and European Coordinators 9 multimodal corridors * Support the core network implementation Synchronise investments (Corridor Work Plan) European Coordinators (also for ERTMS and Motorways of the Sea) Involvement of stakeholders * Alignment identified in Annex I of the Connecting Europe Facility Regulation
The (new) TEN-T maps Comprehensive network to ensure accessibility to all regions Core network focusing on the strategically most important parts Indicative comprehensive network maps for the neighbouring countries Standards for all modes Deadlines 2030/2050
The European Coordinators North Sea Baltic Catherine Trautmann Scan-Med Pat Cox Atlantic Carlo Secchi North Sea Med Peter Balasz Rhine-Danube Karla Peijs Med Iveta Radicova Baltic Adriatic Anne Jensen
The European Coordinators Orient East Med Mathieu Grosch Rhine-Alpine Pawel Wojchiechowski Motorways of the Seas Kurt Bodewig ERTMS Karel Vinck/Matthias Ruete
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