GOES-15 SOUNDER GIRs PSPOT-0003 PSPOT-0004 Striping on First Public IR Sounding Noticed first on Channel 15, and then on other SW channels. 7/21, 7/28 – Switched to Side2 and back with no remedy. PSPOT-0004 Signal Jumps in GOES-15 Sounder MW #2 Detector Data Observed during scanning (dynamic) and star (static) operations. In spec with less than 10 counts jumps. Not comparable to GOES-14 loose beam extending lens problem.
GOES-15 SOUNDER GIRs PSPOT-0005 Sounder Patch Temperature Anomaly Following Yaw Flip Patch Temperature Control was lost right after Yaw Flip and patch reached 99 C (102 C later) Analysis concluded potential dislocation of roll blanket between the cooler and the FW bucket Operational Remedy – Yaw Flip very close to each Equinox Operational Impact (Twice per year) Out-of-spec performance up to 28.5 hours with partial (~70%) scheduled products due to INR recovery.
GOES-15 SOUNDER GIRs PSPOT- 0006 GOES-15 Sounder SW Det 2 Line to Line Relative Accuracy Detector 2 of the GOES-15 Sounder shortwave channels is exhibiting offsets which cause degraded line-to-line relative accuracy performance. Channel 14, Detector 2 is the only channel to exceed the specification referenced in S-415-05, paragraph ITT is still characterizing.