ECETOC TRA tool Proposed application to estimate PEC/PNEC ratio for substances with risk score = 1 ECETOC has developed a tiered approach for calculating the exposure and related risks to consumers, workers and the environment caused by chemicals: Tier 1: based on pre-defined and conservative use scenarios corresponding to Environmental Release Categories (ERC) described under REACH Guidance (Chapter R.16) Tier 2: detailed risk assessment on previously identified uses (additional more realistic exposure input) Developed in Excel, contains the user interface and the datasheets Freely downloadable after registration from:
Substance input interface ECETOC TRA tool Options for retrieval and storage of information from and to the database Substance input interface 2
ECETOC TRA tool Input to Environment Assessment Use scenarios definition Reference values (e.g. PNEC) entry 3
ECETOC TRA tool Environment Assessment Output interface PEC and risk ratio (PEC/PNEC) derivation
Example of application ECETOC TRA tool Example of application Input data Name of the substance = Galaxolide CAS Number = 1222-05-5 Sector of use (SU) = Private houdeholds (from IUCLID db: personal and domestic use as cosmetics, odour agents and detergents) Molecular weight = 258,40642 mol/g Vapour pressure = 7,27E-02 Pa Water solubility = 4,86E-07 mg/L Partition coefficient octanol-water (log) = 5,86E+00 Biodegradability test result = not biodegradable Life cycle stage = service life ERC = ERC10b, i.e. wide dispersive outdoor use of long-life articles and materials with high or intended release (from IUCLID db: wide dispersive use)
Example of application ECETOC TRA tool Example of application Output data PEC local freshwater = 3,00E-01 mg/L PEC local freshwater sediment = 7,64E+01 mg/Kg(wwt) PEC local marine environment = 2,98E-02 mg/L PEC marine sediment = 7,58E+00 mg/Kg(wwt) PEC in STP = 2,74E+00 mg/L Total daily intake man via the environment local = 9,42E+00 mg/Kg(dw)/d RCR local freshwater = 8.19E+02
ERC under REACH ERC is selected according to the most realistic worst case scenario for the substance of concern