Direct Enhanced Scheme for People with Learning Disabilities Stephan Brusch Promoting Equality Lead (Strategy) Service Development Manager
What is it and where does it come from? Policy Background National Contract for Primary Care Services
What’s in it? Practices will need to: Offer an annual health check Undertake awareness training for practice staff Set up and maintain a register of people with Learning Disabilities
What needs to be done? Engage with your service users: Training Information For example we developed an accessible version of the survey used as part of ‘Ask your Patient Week’. We complemented this also by running two focus groups.
What needs to be done? Collaborate with clinicians Involve the GPs for example through statement of intent, individual consultation and piloting the template. Involvement the specialist learning disability teams Liaise with head of Primary Care, PEC etc. of Primary Care Development Managers,
What needs to be done? Assessing health needs and manage information: Agree the population Agree on health check Agree on data collection/ quality assurance
Whole System Output and Outcome Input Annual Health Checks Health Action Plans Public Health Data Improved Access Better Health and well being More integrated care
How can we overcome these? What are the Barriers? How can we overcome these?