Here are some patterns made from coloured number tiles. Generating sequences A1.1 Core Starter Here are some patterns made from coloured number tiles. The pattern continues to the right. Without drawing the actual pattern, work out which colour tile each of these numbers will be on. (a) 40 (b) 50 (c) 48 (d) 49 Be prepared to explain how you arrived at your answers! Preamble Essentially a pattern spotting exercise, but requiring pupils to justify their answers. This gives opportunities for pupils to use mathematical vocabulary. Pupils can find the answers using either ‘brute force’ or a more analytical approach – perhaps the most direct being to focus on the pattern of red squares (6n – 5) and to consider the yellow squares as ± 1 of this and the blue squares as + 3. For the more capable the activity may be changed into a form of ‘call my bluff’ game. For example: ‘595 is a red tile, true or false?’ (true). Possible content Recognising and analysing number patterns. Resources None. Solution/Notes (a) 40 (blue) (b) 50 (yellow) (c) 48 (yellow) (d) 49 (red) If there is time, pupils can be encouraged to investigate other similar patterns formed by similar configurations. Original Material © Cambridge University Press 2009 Original Material © Cambridge University Press 2009