Qualification GCSE [OCR] Levels available: Grades 9-1 Media Studies Qualification GCSE [OCR] Levels available: Grades 9-1
What will the course enable me to do? Media Studies is essentially the study of mass communication and, more specifically, the techniques used by media institutions to present a reality to an audience. It is an increasingly popular subject at both GCSE, A Level and beyond. Media Studies will help you to acquire excellent analytical and evaluative skills that will assist you in a range of other subjects as well as giving you an insight in to how the media reflects the world around you. The subject helps to develop more traditional essay writing techniques but also encourages you to experiment with new ideas and technologies, especially with regards to IT. Unlike many other subjects, Media Studies allows for and nurtures a degree of creativity.
What will the course cover? One of the advantages of the subject is its ability to adapt to and reflect what is going on in the world around us. Assignments can, therefore, range from news broadcasting to animation or from the music industry to advertising. You will find the topics covered relevant and interesting.
The course consists of three components: How will I be assessed? The course consists of three components: 1]Paper 1: 35%. I hr, 30minute examination focusing on industries, audiences and representation 2]Paper 2: 35% 1 hr, 30-minute examination focusing on media language and contexts 3]Creating a media project: 30%. An internally assessed production piece based on an annually changing topic
What qualities will I need to be successful on this course? What will this qualification help me to progress to? A GCSE in Media Studies is useful for a variety of media related courses. FACT: More people who take Media Studies at A Level and Degree level end up in an occupation related to that qualification than any other subject.