The Conduct of self-assessment using CAF An analysis of the practical experience under the Belgian Quality Award Scheme, 2001 by Michael KELLY
Research base 64 organisations applied the CAF Self-assessment report verified by external assessors Site-visits to each organisation Analyse of these reports by M. Kelly
Main conclusions The deployment of a assesment tool, such as CAF: produce useful results: constructive dialogue on future directions for development and improvement. « check-list »: attention to all aspect of organisational performance
Main conclusions (2) Absence of quantitative measures: constructive feature if CAF serves to draw attention to such issues Across a very wide spectrum of public services: CAF acceptable, relevant and suitable as a tool for organisational self-assessment
Methodology Staff members without previous experience as organisational assessor difficulties with : terminology definition need of training need of guidance, coaching assessment panel (definition of the score)
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