Chadi Faraj, Co-Founder Bus Map Project Chadi Faraj, Co-Founder The in 2008 as bus rider and web developer try to find information abt PT with now luck So took the desicion and come up with a site that begin to ghather info personelly and after work I publish the site then after a couple of year a did a mobile app on android And i meet with jad and we relanuch with the name of bus map project as facebook page now SwitchMed est financé par L’Union Européenne
Why ‘Bus Map Project’? The bus in Lebanon is popular but invisible to non-users. Since we started the project, til now, people constantly as us “are there really buses in Lebanon”? Our starting point for the project is to give visibility to what already exists. Credit: Lucia Czernin, Bus Map Photo Action, July 2016
Small changes can have big effects. Why? Lebanon suffers from over-use of the personal car, which leads to pollution and traffic jams. Existing public transport is misunderstood or ignored. When it is noticed, it is stigmatised. To improve our complicated system, we must understand how it works, first. More regulation = more coordination. Small changes can have big effects. System = informal + formal Against monopoly No parking and spaces People from bottom are more sustainable for us
Vision & Mission We are a small network of bus riders who want to encourage people to discover Lebanon’s existing bus and van system. We want to fill the gap of knowledge about this system through bottom-up data-collection in order to be able to improve it in the future. We aim to build bridges between riders, service providers and local authorities. Our project promotes SCP by championing public transport, a sector that has environmental, social economic and health benefits. 24 passengers = 24 less cars
Who are we? Core team: Chadi, Jad, Sergej . . . We have partnered with graphic designers, university lecturers and eco NGOs on small initiatives, and will continue to do so. Wider network: municipalities, bus drivers/owners, transport unions . . . We have registered a civic association called “Riders’ Rights” to help create a community of riders to sustain our projects beyond this mapping phase.
Online Platform with open GIS data Mapathons, hackathons . . . What are we doing? Greater visibility of the public transport system will lead to more use, which could also lead to a more active bus community. Online Platform with open GIS data Mapathons, hackathons . . . Print maps, photo-essays . . . Trying to make the bus more visible to all maybe this will encourage people to use it more Create tools for facilitate the use of buses Make gis data open and useable for all Integrate the ridership concept to defend our rights create a paltform that will help to create a wider community for bus riders
Create attractive & useful designs How? Key activities Collect GIS data Create attractive & useful designs Organise focus groups and other events Key resources Technical expertise Graphic and web design Community outreach We want to collect all gis data collectively and make it available for all to be reused We will use a standard api data engine that all can query Help community to create maps and spread them Speak the riders languages and know what they want and try to make them as they want Making a map with the help and riders and community decisions Make an open platform for public transp Recommend best practices help and recommend new tools and spread content abt the publ trans
Put the map here
Credit: Johnny Hchaime, Bus Map Photo Action, July 2016 “The most political decision you make is where you direct people's eyes ” - Wim Wenders
Impact Ecological impact Social impact Less car use Less fuel consumption Less air pollution Less noise pollution Social impact More social interaction More mixing of class, race, religion Reconnecting our divided country Local development Empowered bus user
Our data is open and reusable by others; designers, developers, etc. How is it innovative? We are taking informal systems seriously; learning from it, working with it, and building for it. We are building the first collective data set of the whole bus system in Lebanon. Our data is open and reusable by others; designers, developers, etc. Our maps are a tool for social change! The informal system is the most sustainable in our country
Thank you! SWITCH-Med Programme is funded by the European Union