Intrapersonal Communication
The ability to conduct an inner dialogue with yourself and to assess your thoughts, feelings, and reactions is know as intrapersonal communication. Most of your intrapersonal communication is in the form of thinking. All day long you conduct an inner dialogue about your needs, expectations, emotions, and relationships.
Many of our actions begin with silent conversations and this intrapersonal communication affects the kind of person you are. What you communicate to y0urself should exhibit a solid work ethic, a sense of integrity, compassion for others, and personal honesty. Integrity is the quality of being honest & having strong moral principles. Compassion is sympathetic pity & concern for the sufferings of others.
Communication and your “self”
Self-concept… is composed of all the beliefs & attitudes you have about yourself. These are the physical & social perceptions we have of ourselves that we have gained through our interactions with others. Self-concept is hard to change once it is formed because it is based on years of experience receiving messages and input from others.
Self-concept is comprised of four parts: How you see yourself.
2. How you would like to be.
3. How you think others see you.
4. How others actually see you.
Self-esteem… is your opinion of yourself, largely based on your self-concept. You may have high self-esteem and be confident in the person you are. Or you may have low self-esteem and want to change things about yourself. Or you may have mixed feelings depending on which part of your “self” you are talking about.
Your “self” has 3 parts: Physical side of self: How you look and how you use your body for physical activities. Looks includes such things as skin tone, height, weight, hair color, and eye color.
Physical activities include how you use your body for sports, certain jobs, dancing, and overall strength and athleticism.
2. Intellectual side of self: How you handle ideas, values, and beliefs. This is your “thinking” self. It includes your studying habits, honesty, religious beliefs, curiosity, etc…
3. Social side of self: How you relate to other people 3. Social side of self: How you relate to other people. Consider such things as comfort in large and small groups, friendships, popularity, concern for others, etc…
Improving self-concept & self-esteem
Evaluate yourself honestly and don’t make excuses Evaluate yourself honestly and don’t make excuses. Have a realistic understanding of yourself, know your limits, and your strengths. “Know your limits but don’t let them control you…know your assets and value them.”
2. Set realistic goals. Establish attainable goals 2. Set realistic goals. Establish attainable goals. If they are too difficult then you lower your esteem again by not being able to achieve them. Goals should build on one another.
3. Praise self: Acknowledge when you do something well 3. Praise self: Acknowledge when you do something well. If you only focus on the negative, you will always feel negative.
Praise others: People who accept themselves accept others Praise others: People who accept themselves accept others. When we praise others it makes us feel good too! TRY IT!!!! Make it a point to compliment at least one person each day.