Final Conference in Paris Exploitation plan
Recommendation Brochure Available on The website at
UIC : WP7 Leader (dissemination and exploitation of the results) Integration of CYRAIL knowledge in the overall activities of the UIC Security Platform, UIC Rail System Forum (Technical Working Groups Rail Infrastructure, Rolling Stock and Signalling) UIC Standardisation Platform (International Railway Solution). Dissemination of results and recommendation brochure in relevant meetings /conference UIC Worldwide security congress DGMOVE (Landsec) TRA WCRR
EVOLEO – CYRAIL Coordinator Integration of CYRAIL outputs when Evoleo will install new connected devices on communications networks in future railways applications and also on other domains like Energy. Presentation of the results in relevant events like InnoTrans. Dissemination to the members and partners of the Portuguese Railway Cluster – PFP.
EUSKOIKER – WP3 (risk assessment) leader Sensitive data, dissemination is limited Events World Metro & Light Rail Congress 2018 Disseminated to Infrastructure managers: Adif Local operators: Euskotren, Metro Bilbao Manufacturers: CAF, CAF Signalling
AIRBUS CyberSecurity Integration of CYRAIL results for AIRBUS CyberSecurity tools and services Integration of rail threat analysis into the CTI (Cyber Threat Intelligence) knowledge base Implementation of the rail detection strategy specific into an ongoing research project with higher TRL Support to the design and roadmap of AIRBUS CyberSecurity systems addressing rail customers Exploitation of the CYRAIL’s brochure and proof-of-concept during commercial exhibitions Dissemination of results and recommendations in relevant meetings conference UIC Security Week Internal Innovation Days
FORTISS Share of CYRAIL results among fortiss members. Exploitation of CYRAIL knowledge beyond the railways domain. PASS: Platform for Automotive Apps Guaranteeing Security and Safety. Dissemination of CYRAIL results and recommendations in relevant forthcoming events
ATSEC The Protection Profile modules will be promoted in the community such as the CCUF (Common Criteria Users Forum), so that it could be made part of the cooperative Protection Profiles (cPP) for network devices (NDcPP). This will have an impact on the security community for COTS security products. We will promote the use of the PPs in the MILS area, since we see MILS as a way to address legacy and critical infrastructure issues. We believe that critical infrastructure is a main security issue for the European Cyber Security Act and that Common Criteria and this type of security requirements will be important for the critical infrastructure. Finally, we hope that the ideas of ISA/IEC 62443 can work together with the ISO/IEC 15408 Protection Profiles, as we have shown in this project.
Conclusion Shift2Rail: CYRail has worked together with Shift2Rail X2Rail-1 Project, providing inputs for WP8 – Cybersecurity, to create baselines for future Cybersecure railway signalling systems. Public Transport: It raises awareness for cyber security issues and provides a methodology to access the associated risk, and examples of tools and their integration for Threats Identification and Management. Standardization Bodies: It provides guidance lines, based on best IT Industry approaches, for a truly interconnected public transportation mode. Rail system providers: It showcases, how threat identification and management, along with countermeasures and mitigations techniques and resilience mechanisms, can greatly decrease the risks of railways transportation. Passengers: It contributes to a safer public transportation with less disturbances on daily lives.