The Age of Jackson Lasted about 40 years
Expansion of Democracy Lowered property requirements to vote. New Democratic Party supported Jackson. People believed Jackson would support the common man and not the wealthy
Election 1828 Most corrupt campaign yet! Andrew Jackson War Hero Earned his wealth Knew the common man needs Hot tempered and crude John Q. Adams Harvard Grad Well to do family Considered out of touch with normal people Most corrupt campaign yet! Jackson easily defeated Adams with lies!
Jackson Style Huge party at White House the day he took office. Used spoil system=The one who wins give his friends power and wealth. Kitchen Cabinet-Informal group of advisors who were usually uneducated.
3 Regions Emerge North -Manufacturing -Supported Tariffs=taxes on imports (trade from another side) Did not need to buy so many imports because they had their own. South -Agriculture -Slavery -Opposed Tariffs Needed more imports, so they had to pay more! West -Emerging Economy -Supported internal improvements Some states forced to have slavery. Some given freedom from slavery.
Tariffs of Abomination Tariff= taxes on imports or goods from other places. The Tariffs of Abomination placed an extremely high tariff on imported goods.
Nullification=To Void or Remove Tariffs hurt southern economy John Calhoun advanced the states’ rights doctrine. Which claimed the states had greater power than the national government. Calhoun claimed states could nullify Fed. Law. He supported Georgia decided to leave the union.
Jackson’s Response Stubborn- He Opposed Nullification Threatened the US Army to go against South Carolina. Place on Stairs the order below that would get them back on top: SC passed Nullification Act declaring tariff not binding in their state and formed its own army. Forced Bill passed —Henry Clay saves the day by: Lowered Tariffs on the South. (Place a halo above this man’s name. He saved our country again!)
Indian Removal Act (1830) This authorized the relocation of Native to lands in the west. Indian Territory was in Oklahoma