Aim: Active & Passive Transport Enter Date Aim: Active & Passive Transport Warm-up: What happened to the Gummy Bears? HW:
What is a Cell Membrane? A thin, flexible barrier found around the cell. It regulates what enters and leaves the cell (selectively permeable) It provides protection. It provides support.
Structure of Cell Membrane 2 layers of FAT with some proteins thrown in MAIN FUNCTION Controls what enters and exits the cell Called a lipid bilayer
Cell membranes have pores (holes) in it Selectively permeable: -Allows some molecules in and keeps other molecules out Pores
Membrane Carbohydrates Carbs are found attached to proteins like a long chain. They help cells recognize each other. This is the way cells communicate.
What does the cell membrane let through? Small & Same molecules pass Fats & gases can pass through
What can’t pass through? Need Protein Channel (TUNNEL) Dissolve d molecul es Nutrien ts, & sugars
What can’t pass through? Large molecules Must be broken down first by digestion Carbohydrates & Proteins
Types of Transport 2. Active Transport ATP needed Passive Transport No Energy (ATP) needed High concentration Low concentration 2. Active Transport ATP needed Low concentrat ion High concentrat ion
Passive Active
Which way will CO2 move? Which way will O2 move?
Will Carbon dioxide go into or out of the cell? GO OUT of CELL
Passive Transport -Movement of any substance from high to low Diffusion -Movement of any substance from high to low Facilitated Diffusion - Movement through protein pores Osmosis -Specifically the diffusion of water
Active Transport - Endocytosis Phagocytosis Cell engulfs solid particles Energy needed Larger particles
Active Transport - Endocytosis Pinocytosis Cell membrane buds a vessel Energy needed, “cell drinking” Liquids and small particles
Active Transport -Exocytosis Removal of waste Energy needed
Transport of Water in Cells Place cell in SALT water Water moves out of cell Cell shrinks Plant cell membrane now visible Place cell in FRESH water Water moves into cell Cell swells Animal cells could explode!
Normal Onion Cells Salt Water Added to Onion Cells
After being Place in Fresh Water