PLAINFIELD OPTIMIST CHEERLEADING Parent Orientation – 2018 CONTACT INFORMATION Lindsay Diemer – Director/Majors Coordinator Ashley Fish – Rookies Coordinator Ashley Gibbons – Minors Coordinator
General Cheerleader Guidelines CHEER PROGRAM General Cheerleader Guidelines Attend all practices and show cooperation with other cheerleaders and coaches. Be on time to all games and practices, dressed in appropriate attire. Show respect and be courteous to cheerleaders, coaches, officials, players, parents and visitors. Learn cheers, chants, and routines for games. Throughout the season, cheerleaders will be learning new cheers and should keep a good attitude about improving cheerleading skills. Responsible for providing positive leadership both when cheering and when not cheering. Be aware of appearance at all times, using good grooming and dress habits. Must abide by all rules and regulations of the Plainfield Optimist Football Program. Should strive to be modest in victory and gracious in defeat. Should always remember that the primary responsibility is to support the athletic program.
Parent/Cheerleader Responsibilities CHEER PROGRAM Parent/Cheerleader Responsibilities Attendance at all games and practices is required to ensure children are learning proper techniques and skills. If an absence is necessary, please give plenty of notice to your coach. Please be at games 15 minutes early to allow for proper stretching. Cheerleaders are not to leave their designated area without notifying their coach ( to include restroom breaks). Cheerleaders must notify the coach and take a parent or other authorized person with them whenever they leave the area. Cheerleaders must wear the approved Plainfield Optimist uniform. This consists of shell, skirt, briefs, socks, and tennis shoes and poms. (Warm-ups required in colder weather). Please c ome prepared with a water bottle to all practices and games. Uniforms may only be worn in conjunction with approved Optimist events. NO loaning or renting of uniforms or equipment. Each cheerleader is responsible for care and maintenance of her uniform. Do not alter the uniform without director approval. Warm ups are property of the Plainfield Optimist Cheerleading Program and are to be returned to the Optimist Club at the end of the season. Parent/guardian will be responsible for a replacement fee of $50 bucks for warm ups not returned. If warm up is damaged, a fee of $50 will apply. Hair should be pulled back and finished before going on the field.
CHEER PROGRAM Listen to the cheer coach for which cheers to perform. Please be kind and respectful to others. You are the most visible representative for the Plainfield Optimist Football program. No food or gum allowed during game time. Chewing gum and wearing jewelry are prohibited at all practices and games. ALL EARRINGS NEED TO BE REMOVED before practices and games – it is a local, state, and national rule for cheerleading. Half-time: perform half-time program before being dismissed for restroom breaks, water and visits. Be back on the field at least 2 minutes before the kick-off for the second half. Clean up all trash in your area after the game. Communicate with the coach regarding any concerns. If not satisfied with response, contact the Cheer Director or member of the Cheer Board. Players will reside in Guilford Township or the town/city limits of Plainfield or attend Plainfield Schools (including St. Susanna). Players from outside Guilford Township may be accepted and approved by the Cheer Board and Optimist Board if there is no equivalent cheerleading program in their area of home residence. Any other special requests will be reviewed on a case by case basis. Any parent volunteer as coach, assistant coach, team parent or concession stand volunteer MUST have a required Background Check.
Selection of Squads Divisions: Rookies: Entering grades Pre-K through First Grade as of the 2018-19 school year Minors: Entering second and third grade as of the 2018-19 school year Majors: Entering fourth, fifth, and sixth grades as of the 2018-19 school year
Selection of Squads Priority will be to place siblings and/or other family requests on the same squad, if they are in the same age group. There is a section on the registration form for parents to indicate this request. The Cheerleading Directors and Cheerleading Board will strive to place children on the requested squad – however, due to age, and number of registrations, no guarantees will be made.
Saturday July 21st Plainfield Rec Center Rookies: 10a-11a Cheerleader Orientation Saturday July 21st Plainfield Rec Center Rookies: 10a-11a Minors/Majors: 11-12
PRACTICES ALL practices will be held on Thursdays First Practice is July 26th Rookies - 5:45pm-6:30pm Minors/Majors - 6:45pm-7:45pm All Practices will be held at the Plainfield Optimist Fields on the Miracle Movers Field, unless otherwise indicated (inclement weather)
CHEERS AND UNIFORMS * See Handout – These will also be uploaded to the website. Videos of cheers coming soon! Uniforms will be handed out at orientation and consist of: top skirt poms socks bow We will be ordering jackets this year, they will be handed out a future date, TO BE RETURNED.
GAMES TENTATIVE SCHEDULE August 18 August 25 – GAME + PICTURE DAY August 31 – YOUTH APPRECIATION NIGHT @ PHS No Games Over Labor Day September 8 September 15 – PHS Day September 22 ( Quaker Day Parade, WILL NOT CHEER) September 29 October 2 – Minor Tournament Opening Round October 3 – Major Tournament Opening Round October 6 – Tournament Semi Finals October 8 – Finals @ PHS
GAME EXPECTATIONS arrive 10-15 minutes early if possible to warm up and find field We encourage parents to have water or sports drink for their child, For any bathroom breaks, please have cheerleader find their parent/guardian to take them, if not present, ask a coach to go, if another coach is available to remain with rest of squad.
TROUBLESHOOTING/CONCERNS COMMUNICATION Please keep in good communication with your coach ,addressing any concerns If you have concerns please first address with your coach and then the coordinator and if not resolved address with Director. We will be utilizing the following mass communication tools: Email: ( please check spam folders!) Website: Facebook: Plainfield Optimist Cheerleading Please be sure to give your team coach your correct phone numbers.
INCLEMENT WEATHER For Practices: Decision will be made at least 15 minutes prior to practice start time. Any changes in time or location will be posted on Facebook, the Website, and you will receive a text/call from your coach We will always try to find alternate indoor location, however there may be times where practice may have to be cancelled.
INCLEMENT WEATHER Games: There will be times the games will still be held but we will NOT cheer. It is the coordinators decision to cancel cheering at games. Again, you will be notified at least 15 min prior to game time. If at game and inclement weather arises, coaches will use own discretion if to continue cheering. Make sure all cheerleaders have a parent/guardian before leaving early.